Chapter 11- Turning 4 Years Old

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*^Ellis Davis post on Pinterest^*


The passing of the days within the dungeon began to slow down at some point. I guess I was reaching the point of boredom. I lasted for quite a while though. Maybe, I'm the target audience for those watching paint dry videos. I say watching, because where am I going to get paint? They'll probably end up thinking that a toddlers hoping to go on her first ever high by sniffing some paint fumes. No, this isn't probable. This is what they'd think, as my broke self will fail at taking it away.

Anyway, the problem of another one of my shelters changing is occurring again. It happened as soon another year passed in dungeon time. The intelligent monsters migrated. What's concerning is that they migrated outside of the dungeon, by going through the walls of fog. My tummy feels off when I think about why that's the case, but since I'm okay right now I won't risk jinxing my safety anymore than I already have.

The lack of monsters that I could sense watching me was bothersome at this point. I was lucky that only a couple of medicinal plants were left. To be specific only 12 medicinal plants are left and since I've recently gained a lesser skill/ability to use medicinal plants faster, I will normally be done in 2 days. The screen also has another screen within it that shows the other abilities/skills I have. It also didn't notify me of gaining other lesser skills/abilities or at least this is what I deduced due to no screen popping up. It made me wonder if Trina lied about how her screen and how others screens are said to operate. For example, my abilities/skills seem to take longer to appear than normal people. Normally it is the case that a couple of months will pass whilst you're doing something repeatedly and if you don't get a skill or ability you are very unlikely to have that specific skill/ability. But mine appeared 4 years after refining my body and these medicinal herbs whilst I was healing.

This doesn't mean that I will finish off the medicinal herbs in 2 days, because there are no more monsters helping me anymore. Which naturally means I'd have to hunt and etc by myself. On the brighter side of things the monsters here were very weak, so I could successfully hunt them every now and then when they caused problems. I followed one of them to find a bush of fruits that I'm now eating.


Like that it took me 5 days to eat all the medicinal herbs.

At that moment a sound vibrated across the dungeon. It was like someone hit a large tuning fork.


Congratulations you are now a partial owner of this ******* dungeon.

Estimated progress on possessing the full ownership of the dungeon- 36%

After that day I practised learning how to fight against the lesser monsters and exploring the dungeon more. I think moving around the dungeon helped me a lot in terms of moving in the future and by that I mean I'm hopeful that it helps with my dancing in the future. Hmm, sounds ridiculous having thought that, but so far following along by using the little information I have is the best option.


Today I found out that the boss of this dungeon wasn't living in the cave. The boss of the dungeon is the task of developing the dungeon. It honestly stumped me somewhat. It just made this dungeon sound like it was artificially created. Not artificially created in terms of making an environment that simulates wild habitats of creatures or simulates a game dungeon. Here it made it all feel artificial in the sense of a game program or a living thread that you would add your own comments onto. This made me feel slightly queasy.

But I soon got over that as I focused on the surrounding scenery. This dungeon was a great place for me to call a shelter. Looking around the surrounding dungeon, I couldn't help but nod my head at my thoughts.

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