Chapter 55- Training begins

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"I'm going into an examination hell camp, so can I have some instructions or information to find you at your dorm or buildings later on?" I asked in the style of a shy command. I brought out my small notebook and pen in my school backpack. The black zipper seemed to be about to break and the backpack gave a visible impression that I was ready to survive the apocalypse if it dared to show up in front of me.

In quick succession all of them gave me their information with wide smiles on their faces and waved goodbye to me later on.

Not turning around to give anyone else any attention, I walked into my dorm room to finish off my studies before having a chance to enter the show's schooling system.


6 days passed. It had taken one extra day, but we had all finished. Everyone was mindful of each other's health. It resulted in an hour of gym time spent each day and a reminder to sleep on time in the dorm for at least 4 hours per day to refresh our minds.

I saw them off on the morning of the 27th of the month.

The month had a total of 31 days and our last performance that will be judged this year was on the 31st. This meant that I had a day with nothing other than cleaning up my room and returning the things that I borrowed in pristine condition.

The white massage chairs didn't need to be returned and will later be given to a building where those that go to dungeon service will go. There weren't enough people here to use up all the energy from the chairs and my own energies seemed to recharge the chairs, whilst giving them a slight upgrade. So giving them to use purely as prizes to another system built on an ability was something that Rain sounded proud of.

I spent most of the day returning all the furniture that I borrowed and cleaning up. This time I couldn't hide from people while doing it all and boldly transferred everything back by myself.

With the remaining time I found an empty practice room and sang a song. Afterwards, I danced to some music and stretched. It was an activity that I always tried to do, as someone who was afraid that I'd regain my old lack of remembering things from my previous life.

When I finished I got up to go to sleep and was awakened after 5 hours by the team mates I'd completely forgotten about.

"Why are you still sleepin-!'' Rebecca's voice was screeching.

In the end I stepped backwards slightly and closed my dorm room to go back to sleep.

There was still banging on the door every now and then. Did I care? No. I looked for some music on my phone and plugged in my earbuds. After that I must have slept for another 2 or 3 hours before I woke up again.

Waking up, I took a nice and slow shower. I changed. One foot moved at a time to cover my bottom half. I moved my fingers, palms, hands and arms. When fully clothed I opened the door of my room, ready for the day.

Outside the room were contestants glaring at me who immediately started shouting. For one reason or another. Did I care? No. I plugged in my ear phones, blatantly, in front of them. My next steps consisted of choosing a song and walking to get my meal, while ignoring them. Funnily enough there were also judges and other staff members who were among the mix of contestants outside the door. Did I care enough to double check and think about it harder? Nope. It was my meal time now.

With a mass of people following and berating me, I walked on to eat. An act that most people would like to do, especially after just waking up.

Faced with my rejection of their existence you'd think they'd stop yelling and looking like they regret not being able to punch me. A few people had also pretended that they weren't part of the main mob and were just an audience brought along to watch.

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