Chapter 59- Study Hell

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"uh... We're all trying to get through this. So please! Please shut up!"

Conversations in a similar style have been continually repeated for maybe a month now.

You'd think it might be fun showing a reality show or live streaming people studying in the midst of their youths or even that it would be much better in this world. You'd only be a third right and that third you got right, doesn't even matter much, I've learned that our memories are just better in this world that poured water on this whole comparison thinking thing I do. You see, every time we study we're basically filling up an invisible experience bar that's different for everyone. That experience bar can only be seen happily when you pass the first level and end up having it in your skills/ability panel, because at that point it means you filled the bar at some point. Here, filling it once erases the chance of losing so much information on a topic, even if one were to get dementia. In fact in this world the experience bars help ward off dementia to a certain extent. The extent being that you'd only probably forget certain things like that odd one or two memories, but overall the whole forgetting your age or family or friends isn't a thing in this world.

"Ahhh- hhhaaa", I yawned. My hand covers my mouth with my other hand stretching out into the air, an attempt of stretching whilst sitting. It still wasn't enough, but it was something.

Yeah, so where was I? Yep, Dementia and experience bars that lock in grades of knowledge. Well, the more we study the higher the grade of knowledge that's locked in. But the caveat to it all is that you can't really remember additional information that well afterwards. Let me explain it in a different way... Your experience bar can level itself up, so you need to remember to build a strong foundation at the beginning or you'll spend extra effort and time levelling up your knowledge in the future. It's like when you try to learn maths, but you focus on one specific thing, like multiplication. After you've remembered all those multiplications you still have to start from scratch for other information. So instead of the skill being called multiplication A it will end up being called Two basic maths Amateur B, or something, and an Advanced mathematical technique A.

It's odd right? But it's tough to say that you have all the basics or foundational knowledge of a subject locked. It's why schooling is so important in this world that it ends up taking so much time in the day. This world sees less than ten hours of studying per day as a sign of a delinquent. Even if you spend 12 hours per day studying, people would make fun of how slow you eat, wash or take breaks like you're some kind of rare idiot.

Unlike myself who has the valid excuse of dungeon diving to better my health that needs help, most of the other students would spend a day per week focusing on one subject to train their studying mind. Honestly, it was tiring to watch. I'm not that studious. I don't doubt that people who've watched me for a month haven't realised that much. You'd also think I'd be more studious, because I'm asian. But... If you want me to be completely honest... I'm the type of Asian that has mastered the art of pretending that I'm doing great, so don't come near me. You know, the type who wants to ask for help, but pulls off the, I'm in deep thought and studying hard, kind of aura and look with ease. In reality I'd be day dreaming or crying on the inside, due to not understanding anything and utterly loathing myself.

Well, that's me with huge books on the basics of architecture, engineering, materials, etc. The whole shabang. The only upside is that my school peers had also chosen one or two of the subjects that I picked and we'd study together every now and then. It's almost like they're my friends and we didn't subconsciously choose to huddle together to make ourselves look calm.

I have no real family in this world, but the sense that my family members are watching me study over my shoulders is overwhelming.

Can someone, please, help me!?

This world is too strange. If I wasn't someone who'd already failed somewhat in my previous life by getting a 2.1 in university on an subject that I've been repeatedly told wasn't going to help me in the future, why'd I be trying my darndest in this kind of environment with a mass of subjects to study in depth on speed courses for most of the day.

Maybe university had broken me too much in my last life.

I still remember the voices saying a grade is just a signpost that means you can study and means anyone will be willing to hire you, because you basically learn on the job in most, if not, all places.


The initial two months of introductory schooling was almost over.

Not surprisingly, other people were like me and tried to study as many courses as quickly as possible. Granted that everyone's course picks were somewhat different from each other and the courses didn't include a blatant few, which positively screamed survival, there were still a few notes or conversations that I've walked past with the gist of some kind of survival being their main goal.

I sighed.

I really wanted to say that I picked the right courses for myself, but they seemed to be another hit or miss for me again this time. It's official, I still suck at picking things to do.

Myself and I were tired again.

In the span of two months my screen status had upgraded faster then I'd initially thought, what with the lack of dungeon diving, drowning and dying -I mean crawling and surviving.

[Character Name- Aeon Nether (Reincarnation Type)

Age- 16 years old

Species- Pheno-Human

Birthday- August 7th

Hair- Raven black hair, long, wavy

Eye Colour-a deep amethyst purple with some gold flecks and a slight white washed lime green outline at the irises.

Abilities- Main ability- Energy GUARD + Energy SOULS FULFILMENT, trait ALL, passive HEALING, active ALL TRAITS, GOD TIER. Human Intermediate Advanced

Ability- Energy SENSE, trait CONTROL, passive ENERGY UPGRADING, active CONTROL TRAIT & ENERGY UPGRADING, God Tier. Starting Foundation has been built

Main Slot of Sub skills/abilities

Medicine consumption Active skill, Rank S(upgradable effect only through fusion with abilities), 100% chance to trigger an ability to create a synergy between powers

General Learning passive skill, Rank S(upgradable)

Language passive skill, Rank S(upgradable)

Memory passive skill, Rank God(upgradable)

Progeny of Music passive skill, Legendary Tier(upgradable)

Mind of an Actor Active Skill, Rank S(upgradable)

Amateur Engineering, Rank A (upgradable)

Beginner Architecture, Rank A (upgradable)

Material Construction Basics, Rank B (upgradable)

Materials and Energy Creation, Rank S (upgradable)


Likes- Interesting things (dungeons, abilities, energy), Beautiful things (scenery and objects), Talent, People who help her, Potential friends, Neutral people, Concept of progress

Dislikes- Currently hates authority figures, Those that harmed Emma, Betrayal, People who believe others over herself, People who are malicious, People who act off of the stage, The establishment, People who play with her, Pain

Personality- An ambivert who acknowledges that she doesn't feel as many emotions as she knows she should. She is fairly naïve about the world. She craves affection and is very bold at times. Neutral to strangers, but ends up becoming cold once they misunderstand her. Fearful of her lack of analytical skills to analyse her own situation.]

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