Chapter 16- Could this be considered as being lucky?

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*^From Pinterest^*

It was disconcerting.

That I would hear another voice. Another voice that wasn't coming from the dead bodies I've just killed. But another voice that was paying enough attention to me that as soon as I said something, they said something back in a questioning tone to elicit a disagreement. It was disconcerting in the way that the male sounding voice seemed to comment on a sentence about me like they were not a stranger.

In other words. I was uncomfortable with the knowledge that said voice was paying enough attention to me to be able to confidently add to my mopey talk to myself, about myself.

What's more is that voice seemed thoroughly entertained...


Did he see what I did?

Probabl- no that didn't matter. I'm standing in the midst of bodies that haven't begun rotting or clotting yet.

Looking down at the things on my feet that could be called shoes, I could see the flow of pooling blood seemingly fresh and pooling at a fast pace.

As the taps ran I heard a quiet chuckle echoing in this square space where the exits were up or through narrow alleyways. The buildings on all sides were simply towering brick walls. It was a design that sought to welcome people in to do things that wouldn't be picked up elsewhere.

"You don't need to be afraid child", said the voice which seemed closer.

The reassurance wasn't very helpful given the place and context. But, what else can I do? This person wasn't afraid of me or what happened here. Regardless of whether he was watching or not, he was confident in himself.

So I relaxed my body somewhat and turned around towards the place that the voice came from.

When I turned around I saw a man that seemed to be in his late 20's. He had a type of black hair. I say type, because the hair looked like a black hair dye was applied to what was originally white hair. The black hair was the most unnatural part of the colour. It also seemed like he applied black mascara and eyeliner to hide his naturally white hair colour. His eyebrows are also probably drawn on. However no other cosmetics could be seen. It was like his skin was perfect.

I am 4 now, but I'm technically 31 if I include my actual time spent in this alternative world with its strange time mechanics and dungeons. So naturally, I was jealous.

I became more jealous as the man leisurely walked around to examine some of the bodies and then look back up at me. It was a strange thing.

No. Let me correct that. This easy going guy seemed to be acting strangely.

I looked up to him with each step he took towards me.

He was just out of my tiny four year old arms reach when he stopped.

"Soooo, where are your parents child?", said the man. His voice tilted playfully in an oddly soothing manner.


"Dead? I'm sor-"

"I killed them. They were trash"

"Trash you say?"


"You know for a four year old in Effigy you speak English well"

"You know for a old man you sure are bad at hiding your white hairs"


"!", my lips formed a pout and my eyes glared at this towering geezer who was laughing at me.

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