Chapter 67- Ending?

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Before I was aware of anything happening, a gaggle of students interceded Sir Eustace's further instructions.

All we got was a, "I'm looking forward to seeing you all again", as a definite final message from Sir Eustace before he was dragged into a gang of people who were intoxicated by him and wanted his final goodbyes. A few even asked him out In Front of everyone, judges, contestants and now, only students attacked him verbally with their tricks.

Funnily enough everyone else in his class, including myself, were preoccupied by the other people who'd arrived in the room. Even the loners were asked about the interesting option boxes, some with moving dolls, that were assigned our names per our options like decorative terrariums inside the room. I guess I slightly fall under this option, the question on whether Sir Eustace was disappointed in our inattention to him probably wouldn't really cross my mind until I've left the room.

Florent, with his now warm pink eyes, was hugging his twin sister Aster - whose yellow eyes glowed-, and standing next to me was Petra who'd started animatedly staring at me with her mouth seemingly in mid-struggle of copulating her questions for me. I still don't know what she wanted to ask me, but I was content with colour coding her eyes. Petra's eyes had Iris's in an obsidian oil spill colour and her hair was a robust brown that wasn't quite red or like good soil, more like a treated mahogany you'd care for as a cutting board. It was oddly captivating. Her cute bubbly personality might now be overhauled by her cute appearance now.

Patiently waiting until Felix came up next to me and asked me a simple question. Well the question was simple to me.

Felixe's voice which was now a husky simmer asked me, "When did you require a new dungeon in the exam?"

"When I chose to change the dungeon for my first option, before building a shelter." I answered immediately back like I was telling him where I put the pans in the kitchen when we technically lived together in the holidays.


All eyes were on me. Every now and then the eyes flickered to the original students in the class or Sir Eustace with quiet accusations churning inside them.

Sir Eustace also looked surprised, not the shock the students were expecting, but a happy effect kind of surprise you'd get when you expect something from the laws of causation.

"From the moth dungeon right?", Sir Eustace chose to sweetly call out to me in a proud tone.

"Yes, but it happened as soon as I saw it. I didn't actually move it towards me with energy, it moved itself towards me. I just didn't mention it, because the whole choosing thing was a like-minded thing." I explained in a tone that might have been used to suggest my slight intrigue that I'd found a spot with daisy's that were the perfect size for me to make a daisy chain for my parents.

"Oh, before. Not when you found the mound or changed the biome?", he continued now curious.

"No. When I observed any species, mounds, changed biomes or anything really, I got a notification that the dungeon was upgraded. I thought that it liked me. I was very happy." I nattered on.

"Hmm. Wait? Did it upgrade when you put your hand in?"

"No. It just felt like I should properly enter the dungeon to upgrade my body when I put my hand in. It felt like my body changed slightly."

"Changed slightly?"

"Well... It was more intense than when I changed into only being half-human, but I don't know if that was just a result of me being relatively numb to pain a year or so ago." The line caused people to jump slightly in surprise at me, but I didn't mind. The class that saw me activating the other half of my half-species only seemed to have some of their guesses confirmed. Sir Eustace continued like nothing happened.

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