unkown woman

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Anakin's PoV:

"Oh come on, Montross! Just one more round!" I tried to goad my counterpart. The infamous bounty hunter though was probably fed up with being ripped off by a simple smuggler in the board game Kirgatz. 
"Forget it, Skywalker. Anyone else would have shot you already. Be glad I'm in a good mood today," he growled giving the lie to his words. Snapped he tossed me my winnings money and stomped off grumbling. 
Even though I was happy about my victory I knew he was right. 
But that was just the way my life was. I was born to lead people around by the nose. Whether it was smuggling things or people or ripping off gullible bounty hunters. 
I was still counting my hard-earned credits when my instinct made me look up. 
My attention wandered to a cloaked figure. Because of the dark cloak I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, but as petite as she appeared to me I guessed the latter. She sat down at the bar with her back to me. Everything about her posture was nondescript and showed clear disinterest. I couldn't for the life of me tell why my gaze remained glued to her but my gut seemed to want to tell me something. And my gut was never wrong. 
Not even in telling me to finally eat something....
So distracted by my said gut feeling and the mysterious woman I didn't notice two men settle down across from me. 
"Do I have the infamous smuggler Anakin Skywalker in front of me?" suspicious yet open to new business I began to grin.
"The one and only. Who may I be of service to?", I tried the subtle variety. 
"My name is Quinn Ryd. It has come to my attention that you are the best smuggler in this system or am I mistaken?", he clearly tried to challenge me. 
"You will not find a better one in the entire galaxy", I replied confidently. "How can I be of service to you?"
My counterpart visibly seemed to be scanning the area for unwanted listeners. So did his previously silent companion who merely scowled at me, looking for a false move on my part. 

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