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At the end of the evening I was downright shaken.
Anakin's family welcomed me as if I had been with them for years. Anakin's mother told me how Anakin had tried to drive a pod racer for the first time. And promptly had driven into the camp of some Jawas. They had chased him for half an eternity throwing scrap metal at him. 
His stepbrother Owen also told funny stories about some hilarious pranks from their childhood. 
At some point I had withdrawn from the round with the excuse that I was exhausted. But the truth was different...
Never had I felt such a longing for something that I had never had.... 
To see Anakin and his family, to be a part of that family.... I wondered how I would have grown up if Master Plo had not found me. Would I have had such a loving family, too?
Sighing I stared out the window of the small room that Shmi, Anakin's mother, had given me. It was very small but it didn't bother me in the least. 
The stars twinkled as steadily as ever. Strangely, this sight calmed me and dispelled the longing that had been burning within me. The stars I could see from here were planets. Planets of which I had seen quite a few. They were home to so many creatures and I had helped free them from the clutches of the Separatists. 
If that meant throwing my life away to fight for something greater than myself... then I would give my life for that any day. 
This realization strengthened my resolve. 
Only one thing continued to make me doubt. 
Why had Skywalker given me such a deep look into his past and his privacy? He didn't know me one bit... and nevertheless he seemed to trust me. 
I didn't understand why. After all I was going to betray him, wasn't I?
Unless he really wasn't working with the separatists.... By now I was pretty sure he wasn't playing a double game. Unlike me...
Quietly squeaking, the door swung open and Anakin poked his head in. He held two mugs in his hand. 
"Here, Mum made me bring it to you. I'm sorry that... well they don't get many visitors", he pressed the cup into my hand. A blue liquid sloshed back and forth in it.
"Thanks", I mumbled sipping the blue milk before turning back to the window thoughtfully. "You don't have to apologize. Your family is very nice."
He stood next to me and looked out as well. "I've never known anything like that before. My.... sister is the only family I have", I added after a moment's hesitation. 
He was silent for a moment before looking at me from the side. 
"We'll save her, Ahsoka, I promise", he sounded so serious and convinced at that I just couldn't help but hang my head. The guilt seemed to crush me. 
Why was it so hard to lie to him?
I had to contact Obi-Wan as soon as possible he would be able to help me in any case.

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