Qui Gons protege

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On the way to the council chamber I was still brooding over what I had experienced. Whether it turned out to be a stroke of luck that I could cooperate with my source. Probably this mission would end rather in a disaster if I could confirm my assumption that Skywalker was really force sensitive. 
When I arrived outside the council chamber I had to shake off my musings and clear my mind of all doubt. 
Already the door opened revealing the waiting council members. Confidently I stepped into the center of the round room. The sun slowly began to disappear from the horizon bathing the entire room in a golden light. I could almost imagine that this was the afterlife.... were it not for the expressionless faces of the Jedi Masters before me. 
"Master Tano, up to date on your mission you wished to bring us?", began Master Yoda's briefing.
"Yes, Master. There are... unexpected news", my choice of words immediately piqued the curiosity of the council members.
"What do you mean by unexpected news, Ahsoka?", asked Master Kenobi directly. He was one of the few along with Master Plo who still addressed me by my first name. But after all he had been just as integral a part of my training.
"I overheard a conversation in a bar on the lower levels. Between the slave trader Quinn Ryd I'm on the trail of and a smuggler. The smuggler is Anakin Skywalker", when I mentioned the name Obi-Wan nervously slid around in his chair. Completely engrossed in my report I took no further notice.
"They were talking about a... Smuggling of valuable goods. I am very sure they mean the slaves. However Skywalker doesn't seem very enthusiastic about this offer. He declined and wanted to leave. The whole thing escalated so I had no choice but to intervene. I helped Skywalker escape in return he offered to help me with Ryd. He is my best source of information", I concluded my report. 
Immediately Master Windu spoke up. Even though my former master Qui-Gon didn't like him very much he still respected him. So did I for Master Windu despite his strictness was a strong and rational Jedi.
"Did Skywalker or anyone else in the bar identify you as a Jedi?", there was a hint of concern in his voice that the entire mission might have been blown because of my intervention. 
"No, Master Windu. I was careful not to use the force or my lightsaber. If I may would I suggest a plan of action?", I asked the council members directly. 
Master Windu nodded silently and I continued, "Skywalker thinks that Ryd we are after is holding my sister captive and agreed to help me. I suggest that I persuade him to accept the assignment the slaver offered him to bring the slaves down from Coruscant. In doing so I will sneak onto the ship with him to ensure access to the ship for our troops. In doing so we will be able to rescue some slaves as well as apprehend Ryd."
There was silence for a few seconds before Master Windu spoke up again.
"This plan could work. However you must be aware that this plan also involves tricking Skywalker. He must not suspect anything or the plan could fail before our forces can take the ship."
"Of that I am aware Master Windu. However Skywalker could become a problem elsewhere, I fear", I put in carefully. This was the real reason I had called this meeting.
"What problem Skywalker might present?", now asked Master Yoda curiously. 
"I could sense that the force was very strong in him. But I can't tell if he's even aware of it or if he might even be a Separatist or Sith spy," I indicated.
The council members looked at each other briefly as if weighing whether or not to tell me an important piece of information. Finally Master Yoda looked at me thoughtfully and began his deliberation. "Skywalker is already known to us. Before Master Qui-Gon began your training Skywalker was his protégé. Found on Tatooine he had him, along with Master Kenobi. His potential he had recognized. Qui-Gon was sure that the chosen one was him. Hmm...," Master Yoda closed his eyes for a moment as I exchanged a quick glance with Obi-Wan. His look clearly told me that we would talk about this later.
"Skywalker at that time unfortunately, he has already been too old. As Jedi we could not train him. Back to Tatooine he was brought. Watched him until we could make sure the Sith had not discovered him. Whether he is working for the Sith or Separatists we do not know. Find out you this should", Master Yoda ended the meeting. 
"Yes, Master", I took my leave with a bow. Master Kenobi had also stood up and nodded goodbye to the other council members before we left the council chamber together. 

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