in love?!

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The hot desert sun burned my face and seemed to irritate my skin even under the hood of my coat. The sand was another problem. It was just everywhere. On my skin in my boots even under my clothes I felt it chafing uncomfortably. Now I remembered again why I had strictly avoided missions on desert planets like this one....
When Anakin parked the speeder just beyond the city walls of Mos Espa I had the feeling that my skin was too sensitive to withstand even a single gust of wind.
I didn't know where Skywalker was taking me but I sensed a change in him in the force. He seemed to close himself off. All the negative feelings that were emanating from him now seemed to be locked away as if he were incapable of feeling anything. 
I would like to find out what caused this change in him. But first... 
"Where are we going?" walking beside him I stared at the people who made room for us as we pushed our way through the crowd. 
We must be heading for some sort of marketplace because even from a distance I could hear the shouts of merchants loudly advertising their wares. 
"To the market we could get valuable information here...", he confirmed my assumption. Anakin was not entirely wrong. Such a meeting of all criminals from the whole galaxy was simply a fantastic chance to get more information...
But on the other hand it also offered me the chance to contact Obi-Wan without Skywalker noticing.
Species of all kinds pushed through the crowd, stopped at stalls, haggled for goods. Here and there someone was knocked out for trying to steal something. 
We stopped for a moment in the shade of a building to protect ourselves from the heat of the two suns. 
"We should split up. Two of us will find out more", I suggested to get rid of him. 
Unfortunately he wasn't so easily shaken off and shook his head as he watched the crowd with narrowed eyes. 
"No, I shouldn't let you wander around here alone. You don't know your way around here. If a bounty hunter kills you just because you looked at him askance, I don't want to be guilty of that," he explained to me. 
I raised an eyebrow skeptically. 
"Maybe you don't remember, but I just wanted to mention that it was me who saved you from Ryd and his men", I explained with my arms crossed. He looked down at me and only now did I really realize that he was almost a whole head taller than me. 
His eyes captivated me and it seemed impossible to take my eyes off them. Slowly he came closer, but I did not retreat a single step. When only a few inches separated us he bent down to me. 
My heart raced as if I had just fought for hours on the battlefield. My breathing had also quickened. He was so close to me that our breaths mingled. Anakin smelled of sandalwood, mint, and some tangy scent that I just couldn't find a name for. 
"Maybe it would be a good idea to separate after all. You don't seem to be able to concentrate around me, Snips", he whispered so softly that I could barely hear him over the noise of the market. Still, it didn't escape me that his voice sounded deeper and harsher than normal. It went through me.
For a moment we paused in position before he straightened and turned to leave. 
"We'll meet back here in 30 standard minutes", he called back over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd leaving me completely perplexed.
What had that just been!
Shocked, I had to realize that I had a huge problem if I had fallen in love with Skywalker....

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