revealed secret

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"What do you mean they're empty?!", I asked my commander again. Rex looked just as disgruntled as the rest of our troops. Fives and Hardcase had already handcuffed Quinn Ryd and were flanking him on either side. Looking around at him now with a burning gaze there was no escape. 
"What have you done with the slaves?!" I began in a threatening voice. Knowing full well that I would get nothing out of his grinning mug.
"Did you really think I would trust my precious cargo to a jedi and Skywalker after your escape? I have inquired about you, Miss Tano. But does your little lapdog know about your secret?"
I tried to contain my anger, but it was easier said than done. Without giving him an answer I turned around and was about to give Rex the final instructions when Captain Coric joined us at a quick pace. 
"General, there has been an exchange of gunfire in Storage Room B. We suspect that we have missed some of Ryd's men who are trying to get control of the cockpit", no sooner had he finished than my two first officers looked at me waiting. 
"Tell our men in the cockpit to barricade themselves in there. I'll take care of it", Coric noted my orders with a nod and turned away from us to speak into his comlink. 
While I crossed the storage room with Rex at my side giving him further instructions at the same time. 
Fives and Coric would accompany me to the cockpit while Rex took care of locking Ryd and his men temporarily in the containers and preventing any escape attempt. 

At a run we approached the cockpit and sure enough we could hear the energy bolts whizzing through the air from afar. I already had my lightsabers in hand when we turned the corner and immediately had to take cover behind some crates again. 
Cautiously I peered around the corner to catch a glimpse of what was happening. 
Anakin had taken cover behind a crate further to our right and was closing on two men with his blaster. Both were no doubt Ryd's henchmen. I even recognized one of them as one of the thugs from the bar. It was the one I had knocked out right at the beginning of the fight. 
"Stand by. Don't shoot Skywalker he's on our side", I explained to my men before jumping between the fronts with lightsabers raised. The fighting stalled. So that I was able to pierce the cover of the two men and easily fend off the last desperate shots from their side. 
Coric and Fives emerged behind them with blasters drawn. While they apprehended Ryd's men and handcuffed them I turned to Anakin. 
At that moment I wished I hadn't. The look he gave me made something inside me break. Maybe it was my heart that I had given him. And maybe it would never heal again. But I hadn't realized that his hatred would hurt so much. 

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