it's revenge

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No sooner had Montross begun to speak than I seriously doubted my sanity. Did I really think I could surprise and overpower him?! Hardly...
I was well aware of my abilities but I also knew when I would lose a fight.
Nevertheless I still had an ace in the sleeve...
"I guess we still have a score to settle", I began cautiously. 
A low contemptuous laugh made his powerful shoulders shake but I just stared at the back of his head. In the darkness his white short-cropped hair was barely visible but I knew from experience that he hated to be spoken to about his graying hair. 
Once I had pushed it too far and he had pulled a switchblade knife the blade of which was no longer than 5 cm right through my face. Only thanks to my quick reflexes I could turn away in time otherwise it would have cost me a right eye. Instead, a scar had remained which now divided my eyebrow.
The bounty hunter turned slowly to face me. His hands loosely at his sides so he could reach for his weapons as quickly as possible. 
"What are you doing here, Skywalker? I let you go last time. I can't guarantee anything this time", he muttered in a menacing voice and I knew he would make good on that threat. 
"I can't either, Montross. Either you come with me without fighting back or I'll force you to", I told him firmly.
Unfortunately, my threat only made him laugh. "So there's a bounty on my head then.... I actually didn't think you'd go among the bounty hunters now, Skywalker."
I gritted my teeth. It was really starting to piss me off how little he expected from me. Yet I was capable of more than he even knew.
"Not a bounty, Montross. It's more like revenge. You almost killed someone who means everything to me and you're going to pay for it", with the words I rushed at him already pulling out a knife aimed at his heart as I ran. 
The bounty hunter deftly dodged and also had his all-too-familiar switchblade in his hand as he now lunged to strike. 
The first blow was aimed at my belly which I easily dodged but I missed his second blow. My head was thrown back and I saw black for a short time. Instinctively I knew even as I staggered back that I would not withstand another blow like that. 
The left side of my face burned like fire and throbbed in a painful way. 
As my field of vision cleared I realized just in time that Montross was rushing toward me with his knife raised. At the last moment I spun out of harm's way and jerked my own knife upward. I met resistance as I drew the knife across Montross' unprotected side. He let out a cry of rage and seemed unbothered by the blood soaking his clothes. Still I knew the injury was superficial. 
Faster than I thought possible he lunged at me again this time there was no escape. For I crashed with my back against the wall of the alley. I didn't even notice the coldness of the wet rock at my back as my body was shaken by a blow to my side. A sickening crack was heard before the pain set in. Gasping, I wanted to cringe as Montross' fist struck me again. This time the pain spread through my body in waves like molten lava. I was so overwhelmed by the pain that I didn't notice at first that Montross remained in that position. He didn't strike again instead pulling back as another pulse of pain made me gasp. 
Montross took a step back and something shone in his fist that I hadn't noticed further before. 
It was his switchblade with a dark thick substance dripping down the blade. 
My head didn't seem to understand what was going on yet but my hand automatically shot to the place where the pain was worst. 
No sooner had I put my numb cold fingers to my side than I felt a warm slippery liquid bubbling up from under my hand. 
My brain still seemed to be struggling with what had just happened but now as I looked into Montross' eyes I could see nothing but cold calculation.

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