unheard apoligy

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We had just taken off when I entered the cockpit with two steaming cups. I handed one of them to Anakin who gratefully accepted it without taking his attention off the route ahead.
I sat down in the co-pilot's seat and sipped my own tea.
Ryd would join us in a moment once he had given his men all the instructions for the containers.
The door to the cockpit opened at just the right moment.
Rex joined Ryd in the cockpit and was about to turn back to leave when I stopped him.
"Hey Rex, get to the rear guns. We don't want to risk getting started", Ryd and Anakin seemed to pay no attention to my command.
"Will do", with two fingers raised to his temple he showed me he understood the actual command.
Already he was gone leaving me alone with the two biggest problems of this mission.
"Well I certainly hope everything is going according to plan, Miss Tano", Ryd began in a strange tone.
Even Anakin would have noticed the tone but his head seemed to be getting heavier and his eyes were only half open.
I guess that was due to my tea.... But I had little choice but to drug him.
"Don't worry, everything is going according to plan", I tried to brush him off.
"Very well. We don't want the jedi to take notice of us, do we?", within a split second it became clear to me.
He knew.
Quinn Ryd knew I was a Jedi.
And I acted immediately without having to think about it.
From one moment to the next I had my lightsaber in hand and slammed the metal hilt against Ryd's temple.
His eyes widened for a moment before he slumped to the ground unconscious.
An excited beeping at the rear console now caught my attention. I had long forgotten about the astro-mech....
"Take it easy R2, it's all right", slowly I walked up to him and patted his dome sure enough he calmed down.
He beeped something about Anakin not moving so I tried to explain the situation as best I could.
"He's just sleeping he'll wake up soon. Sorry buddy", with those words I shut him down and pushed him into a cubbyhole outside the cockpit.
There I also brought Anakin who was definitely heavier than he looked.
Carefully I set him down leaning against a shelf and also mumbled to him an apology he would never hear.
With a blank expression I left the chamber and pierced the control console with my lightsaber.
That wouldn't slow him down for long especially with Anakin's help but the 501st Legion was as good as on board and with their help rescuing the slaves wouldn't take long.
Finally, I re-entered the cockpit where Ryd was slowly beginning to stir again.

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