the way back

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I had no clue how I had finally managed to drag not only my battered body back to my ship but also the unconscious Montross. The stout man must have weighed half a ton and yet I was finally sitting in the cockpit of my ship at sunrise. Breathing heavily from the hard way back and my injuries I laid my head back on my neck for a moment and closed my eyes. Meanwhile I had pressed a hand on the stab wound in my side. It was barely bleeding but it still hurt like hell. But the pain could just as easily have come from the broken ribs. 
Groaning, I opened my eyes again and started the instruments. Every minute was important now because the anesthetic I had given Montross would only last until we reached Coruscant. 
Even as I left the spaceport I made a connection with the jedi council. They had insisted that I report as soon as I had taken Montross into custody.
I had actually expected Master Yoda on the radio sequence I had been given, but instead it seemed to me that the private sequence had been transmitted by Obi-Wan. 
"Anakin, what is the status of your mission?", he asked directly as soon as the connection was established. 
"I have it. I am just leaving the planet and returning to Coruscant", I explained as briefly as possible. 
A smile appeared on Obi-Wan's face. 
"Very good, I knew immediately that you were the right one for this mission. Transmit your coordinates to me and I will initiate everything else here to put him behind bars immediately", I nodded understandingly at his words. 
"Alright", I almost disconnected when the Jedi called me back. 
"Anakin, wait. There's news about Ahsoka's condition. I thought you would want to know", Obi-Wan asked with a worried undertone in his voice. 
Was she all right? Had her condition worsened? Would she die after all! 
"What about her?", I asked tensely. 
For a moment he seemed to be weighing what to say but finally he came clean anyway. 
"Ahsoka was taken out of the bacta tank a few hours ago. They've started the purification process. But whether she will survive the purification the doctors can't say for sure."
I had to swallow and nodded in a daze. Obi-Wan seemed to understand that I now needed time to digest this news and ended the connection. 
As if on autopilot I entered the coordinates for Coruscant and jumped into hyperspace. Finally, I dropped back in the seat and ran both hands over my face. At that moment I realized one thing. 
I would kill Montross on the spot if Ahsoka died. 

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