contact man

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By the end of our flight my headache was nearly killing me. It hadn't taken long for Anakin to focus the force but I got into explanatory trouble far too quickly when I tried to avoid his questions. I almost sighed in relief as we exited hyperspace and headed for Coruscant. 
Better said we headed for a landing platform on level 12-05. There we would meet with 'my contact'. The contact man was Rex who had covertly negotiated a contract with our slave trader Quinn Ryd. Of course we would never honor the contract but until then we had to get Ryd and his slaves on our ship first. 
We had barely landed the ship before I saw my commander through the cockpit window. He wasn't wearing his usual armor of course but instead he had put on dark combat trousers and an olive-colored jacket. An equally dark shirt flashed out from under the jacket. In addition, he seemed to have actually borrowed a helmet from Five's collection. Under his arm was a brightly painted helmet of the Phase 1 armor. These were helmets which were equipped at the beginning of the clone wars as standard. After the new acquisition of the Phase 2 armor it was not uncommon to see these armors sold in pieces on the black market. Fives collected helmets of this type. 
Without another word to Anakin I left the cockpit. No sooner had I opened the ramp in the storage room than Anakin was on my heels. Together we left the ship and went toward Rex. 
"Who is he?" asked Anakin quietly in my direction while we were still out of earshot. 
"That's Rex. He's my contact. You can trust him", I explained succinctly. Still a wave of distrust washed over me. 
By now we had almost reached him and I noticed out of the corner of my eye Skywalker taking stock of Rex's weapons. 
I knew from experience that he was carrying more than just the twin pistols on his thigh holsters. 
Rex nodded respectfully to me before eyeing Anakin suspiciously. Fortunately Rex stuck closely to the plan and didn't accidentally address me as 'General'. 
"Thank you for your help, Rex", thus drawing his attention right back to me. 
"But we should go over the plan again before we leave" , with the words I asked them to return to the briefing room of our ship. Rex followed my instructions immediately but Anakin still didn't seem to trust him completely....

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