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When I returned to the workshop Skywalker was still tinkering with his starfighter. His droid R2 wheeled around him beeping.
He didn't even look up when I entered. That was just fine with me. On the way here I had firmly resolved to always keep an eye on him. I had my doubts that he was really as dangerous as the council had told me. Of course I did not exclude that he worked with the Sith or Separatists.
To be able to defend myself from him and others Obi-Wan had actually persuaded me to take a blaster with me. With the reasoning that I couldn't use my lightsabers on this mission anyway, I had finally taken his advice. Still the blaster felt strange on my thigh. The holster was comfortable to wear but still it was no comparison to my lightsabers.
I set my bag down in a corner of the workshop before turning back to Anakin.
"Hey sweetie, can you hand me that power cell over there?", he asked without looking up from his work pointing in the direction of a toolbox containing a power cell.
I took the energy cell and turned back to him.
"I'm not your sweetie", I made it clear to him and threw him the energy cell.
He caught it without looking before giving me a quick grin. "Snarky... I like that", he muttered. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as he set about installing the cell.
"So Snips, what's your plan?" he asked me directly.
"Snips?", now it was getting to be too much. He finished by sealing the armor on the fighter before standing up and turning to me.
His insolent smile brought out little dimples. Without me being able to do anything about it my heart began to beat faster.
Anakin approached me but I refused to back away from him.
Just ahead of me he stopped. "Yes, Snips. As snippy as you are you've earned it."
Skeptically I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"All right, Skyguy. Then I guess we should get together about the plan", with this words I left him standing wanting to put some distance between us. But a sound made me pause.
The Force was clearly telling me that something was wrong here. Skywalker seemed to hear it now as well. Immediately we were serious again.
I grabbed my bag while Skywalker climbed into the cockpit of the starfighter. R2 also made it into the opening Skywalker must have put in especially for him. Normally the Flashfire was only designed for two pilots not another droid. There was no time to wonder about it further. Anakin already started the systems and opened the gates of the workshop with the help of a remote control. Behind the gates a landing platform now came into view. Behind the platform one of the huge holes seemed to connect to the underworld from there one could reach almost any level. When the door opened behind us I finally saw who was still following us. It was... droids???
They started shooting at us before I could wonder any further about it.
I quickly climbed into the co-pilot's seat behind Skywalker before we lifted off and disappeared from the workshop.

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