the fight

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Ahsoka's PoV:

I pushed my way through the crowd, simultaneously keeping an eye out for Skywalker while thinking about the conversation with Obi-Wan. No sooner had Anakin left me standing than I had taken the opportunity to disappear into a hidden alley to consult with Master Kenobi and bring him up to speed. The conversation had given me clarity. Together we had worked out a final plan. Now it was clear that I would leave as soon as possible. With or without Skywalker even if a small voice in my head wished he would accompany me....
At the other end of the marketplace cheers tore me from my thoughts. An evil foreboding spread through me. I pushed the people aside to get to the mob which had already formed a circle around the fighters. The surrounding people roared and demanded blood as if they were watching wild animals fighting for survival. 
Only by force could I push my way through the crowd and before I knew it I was already standing in the middle of the circle. 
A Dug and two Twi'leks were hitting Anakin who tried to defend himself bravely. However he had already had to take a beating. A deep cut ran through his right eyebrow which seemed to bleed incessantly. In addition a black eye was already showing on his cheekbone and he was trying to spare his left foot. The Dug who seemed to harbor the most hatred for Skywalker fared no better. He tried to protect his right leg from Anakin's attacks and at that moment struck Skywalker's ribs with his left. 
Anakin tried to deflect the attack but stumbled backward and nearly lost his balance. A fuse seemed to blow inside me... or maybe just a switch was flipped and I went into battle mode. I didn't care.
Within seconds I had stepped between the two and was trying to reason with them. The two Twi'leks had kept in the background so far but now they were coming at me to stop me from interrupting the fight. 
Only unfortunately they seemed to underestimate me as did most of my opponents. One of the two Twi'leks tried to reach for me but I grabbed his outstretched hand and jerked him towards me to give him a juicy headbutt. 
Dazed, he staggered back while I grabbed his buddy and twisted his wrist until he wailed in pain. 
The other Twi'lek had already regained his composure and stormed towards me in a rage. Now I decided that this fight was clearly taking too long for me. With a well-aimed kick to the stomach I sent the onrushing opponent to the edge of the circle, where he immediately threw up. The other whom I had still grabbed by the wrist I put in a headlock and cut off the blood supply to his brain until he passed out in my grip. 
I dropped him to the ground and got back up. Only to find that Anakin and the Dug had stopped fighting and were staring at me instead. Anakin's look was rather proud,l while the Dug was staring at me just as hatefully as he had looked at Anakin before. The surrounding crowd gawked at me with equal bewilderment and slowly began to disperse seeming to sense that the fight was over. In the dissipating crowd the Dug disappeared leaving us behind.
I had barely taken a step toward Anakin when he began to sway dangerously. Already I was at his side supporting him before he fell. First I took him to a side alley away from the marketplace to see how bad his injuries were. 
Unfortunately, I couldn't accurately assess whether he would worsen his condition so I looked around for anything that might help. 
"There's a med station to the east", Skywalker moaned in pain leaning against the wall of a cantina with his eyes closed. He must have guessed my thoughts yet I remained ironically silent.
What had he been thinking? Besides it was better for both of us to stay away from each other anyway. After all our ways would separate soon enough....
So I just put his arm around my shoulders and supported him on the way to the medical station.

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