the healing

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The meeting with the council actually lasted into the night but that was more because they kept me waiting for half an eternity. 
When I left the council room accompanied by Obi-Wan my limbs were heavy and I could hardly keep my eyes open. Nevertheless, I could not wait another minute to visit Ahsoka in the infirmary. So I forced myself to keep pace with Obi-Wan. Since the jedi seemed to be as exhausted as I was we kept silent on the short way to the infirmary. Meanwhile my thoughts drifted to Ahsoka. I wondered if the bacta cleansing had already been completed. I didn't know much about the process of this risky treatment but I was well aware that it could take several hours. After all the Bacta was pumped through the patient's body to better treat internal injuries. It was a very complicated procedure so they first had to stabilize Ahsoka in the Bacta tank to the point where her life was largely out of danger. I could only hope that she would survive the treatment well.... 
As soon as we reached the hospital wing Obi-Wan steered unerringly towards the medidroid behind the reception desk. 
"Hello, I'm here to check on the progress of Master Tano's treatment", Obi-Wan stated confidently. 
The medidroid didn't even look down at the screen in front of him which would surely contain the data of all the patients. 
"I'm sorry, Master Jedi. This confidential information is only to be viewed with the permission of the patient or the Jedi Council", he tried to brush us off. A wave of anger seized me as I already clenched my fists to beat the information out of this tin can if necessary.
However, this was not necessary because Obi-Wan crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared darkly at the droid. 
"I am well aware of that, droid. I am Master Kenobi, a member of the Jedi High Council and I require a report on Master Tano's current condition to inform the Council. You wouldn't want to refuse that order, would you?"
The droid was silent for a moment looking over from Obi-Wan to me before his gaze turned back to the jedi beside me. 
"Master Tano survived the bacta purge without a problem. She is currently recovering in the recovery rooms. The patient should be discharged in a few days."
Relieved, I expelled the air which I had apparently been holding with tension. Obi-Wan nodded briefly yet he didn't turn away. 
"My friend here just returned from a mission and needs urgent medical attention. He is an advisor in the jedi order and is receiving unrestricted medical care", he explained sternly, before giving me a look that said yes I shouldn't try to avoid treatment. Apparently he must have sensed my reluctance because I was not at all comfortable putting myself in the care of this tin can. 
"Of course, Master Kenobi", the droid had hardly confirmed the order Obi-Wan said goodbye and left me here alone. 
Surrendered I sighed up and finally followed the medidroid into one of the treatment rooms. In fact I was quite happy not to have to drag myself back to my quarters as well. My body seemed to consist only of pain and at the moment I longed for nothing more than a restful sleep. 

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