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According to Obi-Wan's position, the slaves were in the back of the warehouse. Through the back gates of the warehouse the slaves were supposed to be taken to safety. So they were probably stopped right there. 
As quickly as I and my men could we left the warehouse and circled around it. Halfway there, we heard the sound of battle. My steps quickened. As soon as we turned the corner I pulled out my lightsaber and jumped into the fray.
Fighting droids was something I had trained for all my life. In the last few days I had tried to imagine what it would be like to live a normal life. But in that moment as I wielded my lightsaber cut metal and wires and deflected energy bolts I realized that this was my destiny. 
If I did not fight as a jedi for those who could not help themselves then my life would be worth nothing. 
This is my destiny.

Obi-Wan's lightsaber flashed among the masses of droids so I cut a swath to him. Behind him and his men the terrified slaves had taken cover behind some supply crates. 
"How could they surprise us like this?", I yelled over the din of battle to Obi-Wan. He was already holding his sword arm. A shot had caught his upper arm but he struggled on bravely. 
"We don't know that. The Separatists must have had their fingers in Ryd's business from the beginning", he replied. 
So my instincts had not been wrong....
But there was still enough time for the investigation later. Now we had to get the slaves out of here as soon as possible. 
We quickly improvised a plan.  We pushed the separatists back to the right flank before the men of the 501st Legion started to evacuate the slaves. 
Meanwhile, I worked with Obi-Wan and the 212th to push back the droids.
When almost all the slaves left the warehouse a desperate call came through to us.
"Bomb!", someone yelled behind us. Without thinking about it for even a second I broke from my position and ran back to the warehouse. Sure enough, a beeping bomb had been thrown into the warehouse. 
Except for a young woman barely older than myself everyone had left the warehouse. The woman stared at the ticking bomb with a panicked look on her face. She couldn't move from shock.
I followed my instincts as I rushed toward her faster than she realized I had already thrown myself between her and the bomb. At the last moment I threw us to the ground as a deafening bang ripped through the air directly behind us. 
An unbearable heat seared my back before everything around me went black.

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