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On the way to the hanga, I went through all the data stored on the datapad. My destination was my ship which I had parked next to Obi-Wan's starfighter the night before. Due to my well-developed sense of direction I didn't even have to look up to find it. I was just climbing the ramp to my ship's storeroom when I realized who my target was. 
Cursing, I realized that my target planet was Lothal. But that was not the real problem. I had quite understood that the Order required me to kill the target or imprison him. 
It seemed the order hadn't hired me directly as an advisor more as someone who could do the dirty work without anyone violating the jedi code. 
In the end I didn't care. As long as I found the culprit for Ahsoka's condition and hunted him down. Even if it was ....
I swallowed the lump in my throat and recalled who I was doing this for. As I started the thrusters at that moment I vowed to myself that I would avenge Ahsoka and that the guilty party would pay. 
With his life. 

It took several hours to reach the Outer Rim even in hyperspace. Still, time seemed to fly when I finally arrived in the Lothal system. I circled a moon before Lothal came into view ahead of me. From up here, the planet looked little different than other green-covered planets like Naboo. Still, it was like a miracle to me every time to see a planet that didn't look as parched and dead as Tatooine. 
My path led me straight to the capital of the planet. On this side of Lothal it was still night as I headed for one of the many spaceports. The city looked stunning in the dark but I wasn't fooled by that. There was such a great divide here between rich and poor citizens that bile crawled up my throat. Hardly any planet was so advanced to overcome this gap. The poor were exploited like the slaves on Tatooine. This fact was what made me sick. 
Still, I wasn't here to be distracted with moral musings. So I landed in one of the spaceports and made my way to my target.

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