a friend for talking

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Ahsoka's PoV:

It was another long day over as I was now sitting on Senator Amidala's sofa in the senate building.
We had gone over some more information about the Pyke Syndicate case. I had also brought Padme up to date on my current mission.
She had been the one who had made me aware of the slaves.
I carefully sipped the hot tea in my hand while watching the hectic traffic outside the window.
The setting sun bathed Padme's apartment in a golden light.
"I may not be a jedi but I can still tell when something is bothering you, Ahsoka", Padme resumed the conversation.
At her words my attention rested on my good friend again. Her dark hair shone brighter in the sunset light and her robe today was a dark red.
I sighed deeply and Anakin's face appeared in my mind's eye.
"I... I don't know if...", I was unsure if I could trust Padme with this. She didn't seem to miss my uncertainty.
"Ahsoka, whatever is on your mind I will keep it to myself. Our friendship and your trust is far too precious to me for that", she told me. In her words I heard nothing but the truth. So I decided to tell her about Anakin.
And I told her everything. How I had lied to him, kiss es him and finally betrayed him.
Only to save the slaves, to carry out the mission.
I had counted on her hating me. Instead, she met me with so much understanding that the guilt only ate me up more.
"Ahsoka, I am so sorry that you had to do all of this. I can only urge you to explain your situation to him again. If you mean even a little bit to him, he'll understand", she tried to cheer me up.
Sadly, I shook my head. "I can't, Padme. It's better if we never see each other again. Even if he forgives me and even if he has feelings for me, I'm still a jedi and such bonds are forbidden for me", I tried to make her understand. Padme was about to say something back when my comlink started beeping.
With a wave of her hand Padme gave me to understand that I could accept the call calmly.
She put our empty cups away while I took the call.
A holoimage of Obi-Wan built up in front of me.
"Ahsoka, come to the temple immediately. Me have the location of the slaves. As soon as it's dark, we'll begin the raid", no sooner had he finished his report than I was in battle mode.
"Of course, I'll be right there", the conversation had already ended as I hurriedly made my way to the kitchen to say goodbye to Padme.
"Padme?! We have the location of the slaves. I have to go right away. I'm sorry, I...", she interrupted me immediately.
"No, it's okay. Go on, hurry up. But please tell me afterwards how it went. All right?", she hugged me tightly before I hurriedly rushed out of the apartment.

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