Chapter 37

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We walk into the house. You could feel the music's bass vibrate off your chest.

Tobias's arm is still wrapped around my shoulders I look up at him "I don't want to stay long" I yelled for him to hear "what" he yelled back. I get on my tiptoes to say it closer to his right ear.

"I don't want to stay long okay" I yelled to him again "okay just tell me when you want to leave" he said as he looked at me.

Tobias is so nice and cute. We walk to a icebox and grabbed soda.

"You want to stand next to the kitchen bar" he asked into my ear I nod my head, he unwraps his arm from my shoulders and takes my hand inside his and pushes through the crowd of people.

I know it sounds cliché and all but his hand inside mine felt perfect like it belonged there, but I said the same thing about Desmond when we held hands. It was bigger than mine and soft.

I sit down on a stool at the kitchen bar and drink my soda "Here let me get you a cup" Tobias reaches over the bar and grabs a styrofoam cup.

He places the cup in front of me and grabs my soda, he pours it inside the cup. "Thank you Toby" I smile at him sheepishly he smiles back.

"Can I tell you something Ski" he said as it began to get awkward after just smiling and giggling at each other.

"Sure go ahead" I put down my cup of soda. "I am a very outgoing person so whatever comes to my head I have to say it" he said as he rested his left arm on top of the bar. I laugh and shake my head.

"Okay what's on your mind" I turn in my stool "I think you're beautiful Ski and I like you" he said with a smile. Damn, the way he said it was hot plus with his accent. "I've had the biggest crush on you since the beginning of the year" he said.

I blush scarlet "Tobias" I said sheepishly "I know it's okay you're not ready for a relationship after you and Desmond, but remember that was just on my mind and I had to say that" he takes a sip of his soda, "I like you too Toby" I said.

I smile at him and drink my soda as well.


Tobias and I talked at the bar for a while "I have to use the bathroom I'll be back" I said trying to catch my breath after laughing so hard at Tobias. He was telling embarrassing stories about his brother.

I walk up the stairs and look through the closed doors. Every door I looked through there was a couple making out.

When I came up to a cracked open door that I haven't opened, I assumed it was the bathroom. I peak through the door and it was Michael leant against the wall getting a blow job from Desmond. Michael had his head back and his eyes closed biting his bottom lip. His left hand was on the back of Desmond's head, running his fingers through his hair.

Oh my god, am I enjoying this sight? But it also hits a nerve where I just want to burst right through the door and push him off. I was about to knock on the door when Toby calls me. Shit.

"Ski did you find the bathroom? I was beginning to think you fell in" Toby said as he came up to me. Desmond pulls away from Michael and stands up.

I rush away from the door and act as if I were walking to the door. "No but I was about to go through this door to see if this was the bathroom" I said standing in front of Toby now.

Desmond and Michael rush out of the bathroom from behind me. They look at me as they pass by, Toby looks at them confused as they walk down the stairs.

"Did you know they were in there" he asked me, "yeah I knew" I lean against the staircase "what were they doing" he looks at me now.

"Can you handle the truth" I said to him "I think I can handle it" he turns to me. "Desmond was giving Michael a blow job" I said, Tobias raises an eyebrow. Then his eyes widened.

"Did you just imagine it" I give him a smirk "Yes I think I did" he puts two fingers on each side of his temples.

"That's disgusting" he adds. We walk back downstairs, "Ski come dance with me" Bee said dragging my to the living room where the dancing was taking place.

Bee and I danced in front of each other. Jake joined in with Bee a few minutes later, I stopped dancing to catch Tobias still watching but with a bottle of water this time.

I go over to him "may I have some of your water" I said out of breath, he hands it to me. I took a couple of gulps "come dance with me" I said placing down the water on the table.

"I don't dance" he shakes his head, I take both of his hands and try to drag him to the dance area but he pulls me back to him.

I'm pressed up against his chest, he smiles down at me "I don't dance Ski."

I wanted so bad to lay my head on his chest just to hear his heart beat and take in his scent. I stare up at his blue eyes.

I blink a couple of times "how about I request a slow song instead" he nods his head "okay" he let's go of my hands.

I reluctantly pulled away from him, I go over to the DJ and ask him if he could play a slow song, he said he could and switched to a song.

I go back over to Tobias, a slow song starts to play "come on a slow song is playing now" I take his hands again. I walk to the dance area, Tobias trails behind me.

I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, he places his hands on my hips. We swayed side to side.

"You know how to dance Tobias" I smiled up at him "that's because it's a slow dance and not a fast one" he said.

I place my head against his chest. I listen to his heart, it beating kind of rapidly. I chuckle at him "your heart is beating fast" I lift my head and looked at him.

"Because I'm dancing with a beautiful girl" he stares into my eyes. He slowly leans down to press his soft lips against mine. I kiss him back.

I pull away from the kiss and stare at him "I'm sorry I was going off on an impulse, it's okay if you want to be friends first" he babbled "it's okay Tobias but friends would be a good a idea right now" I said.

I place my head back on his chest and took in his scent.

I look across the room and Michael and Desmond were dancing together. Michael had his arms wrapped around Desmond's neck, and Desmond had his hands on Michael's hips.

"Can you take me home now please" I asked Toby as the song ended. "Yeah" he grabs his water and we head outside, I walk to Jake's car and grabbed my backpack out of his car. I walk back over Toby's truck.

He opens the passenger door for me "thank you" I said and climbed inside the truck.

He gets inside his truck and starts it up.


He pulls up to my house, Zak's car was in our driveway "thanks for dropping me off and putting up with my crying side today" I grip my bag. "Your welcome, and I don't want to see you crying again okay" he takes one hand off the steering wheel. "Alright" I said and open the car door, I turn back and kiss Toby on the cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school" he said as I got out of his car.

I wave him good by and walk up to my house door, I unlock the front door and walk in my house. I shut the door behind me.

I drop my bag at the table, giddiness and excitement exploded out of me when I jumped around the room. "Ah I kissed Toby" I screamed with excitement.

I bust through my mom's door and Zak was on top of my mom, naked with the blanket half way on his hips.

"Oh my god" I shut the door. Zak and my mom are having sex.


Well here's the chapter!!! COMMENT and VOTE!!!

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