Chapter 36

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Jake waited outside while I went inside my house to get my volleyball shirt. I brushed my teeth real quick and put deodorant on.

I grabbed Bee's volleyball shirt too.

I went back outside to Jake's car, he had his volleyball shirt on already "ready" he said as he opened his door.

I throw Bee her shirt in the back seat, she takes off her current shirt and puts on the volleyball shirt.

We drive to the mountain for the hike. It was 3:47 PM some kids are all ready here but some were still pulling to the mountain. We get out of the car.

I walk to the entrance gate of the mountain, Jake greets his friends and so did Bee and I.

I look around the crowd of athletes. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn excitedly smiling from ear to ear thinking it was Toby. My smile drops once I realize it was Desmond and Michael.

"I want you to meet Michael" Desmond said looking at me then Michael "you already introduced me to him at our party" I said with an attitude and continued to scan the group of people.

"Can you at least say hi to him. I want you to stop being mad at me and taking it out on him" he said, I turn around and looked at Michael "hi" I said quickly and looked over the crowd again to find Toby.

"Ski really" Desmond yelled in disbelief "It's okay Desmond" Michael reassured Desmond. "Could you leave me alone" I said in a tired voice "I don't want to get into it right now" I add "no we need to sort this out now" he points to the ground.

"Okay you want to sort this out we will...I'm trying to get over you, I don't want to be friends with people who you date. That's why I'm avoiding you. So leave me the f alone" I yelled at him.

"Could you at least try to be friend's with him, I still want to have a friendship with you" he said coming closer to me.

"You don't understand do you, I'm really trying to stay away from you. I'm trying to get over you I don't want to be close to you or your boyfriend. I don't want to love you, don't you get that. I regret dating you, you broke my fucking heart" I yelled.

I walk out of the crowd and into the open with no people around.

Desmond follows me and so does Michael but he stayed in the crowd but can still here us from a distant. "I'm sor-" he started.

"Don't say you're sorry because you're not. I texted and called you because I needed you, but you were with Michael fucking him while I was depressed about not being able to have babies, because my fucking brother sexual abused and raped me for 3 years, 3 f-ing years and damaged my uterus. I needed you at the police station for support but you never came. So don't say you're sorry if you don't mean it" I said in a loud whisper.

I notice that I have tears in my eyes, I turn and look at the crowd of people and see Toby was watching us and has probably heard what I said.

I look up at Desmond and shake my head. "Are you fucking happy now, we sorted this out" I walk past him and further down the hill where the cars were.

"Ski wait" it was Toby, I sit down on a near by rock next to Jake's car and put my face in my hands. Tears fall to the dirt "Are you okay" Toby sits down next to me and places a hand on my back.

"What'd you hear" I raise up from slouching position and take a deep breath. "I heard some sad things about you and why you're really angry" he said "I'm sorry about you not being able to have babies" he sad and sincere "it's okay but you don't need to stay with me Tobias" I shake my head. "No I'm not leaving you here by yourself" he shook his head "I'll stay as long as you want" he adds.

I smile at him "thank you Tobias" he smiles back "no problem anything for a friend" he rubs my back "Why were you yelling at Desmond in the first place" he asks, I look at him and he had concerned eyes "he wants me to become friend's with Michael." I rolled my eyes "why does he want you to do that" he said confused.

"Because he wants me to get to know him better and he wants to stay friends with me. But I can't be friend's with either of them because Michael took Desmond, by away from me when I needed him the most. When I needed Desmond I called and texted him but he ignored my text messages because he was with Michael behind my back where I least expected him to be." I was tearing up again.

"Hey it's okay, don't cry. He's the ass for leaving a beautiful girl like you, he's missing out on a lot." he said and wiped a tear from my cheek. I chuckle at how sweet he is and gave him a hug.

I pull away from the hug and wipe the tears from my eyes "let's go hiking" I stand up and hold out a hand to help Toby up.

We walk to the entrance of the gate, "how did you know my real name" he looked over at me. I look at him and smile, "because Toby is short for Tobias."

We walk with the crowd. The sun was slowly setting in the horizon.

Toby is so funny and adorable, with his curly short hair and his perfect smile and blue eyes. He makes me smile and laugh so much, he takes my mind off of the stressful things. I think I might have a little crush on him, don't get me wrong I still have feelings for Desmond. I'm going to try and spend more time with Toby to get over Desmond for good.

We get to the top of the mountain and look at the view of the city. "It's so pretty" the lights of the street and buildings shined with a variety of colors. "Yeah it is" Toby stands next to me.

I stand close to the edge and look down the hill. I feel hands around my waist and jerk me forward and then pull me back, I gasp and scream. I turn around, Toby "Don't do that you scared the shit out of me, jerk" I push him back.

Toby bends over and laughs historically, "that was pretty funny." I puff out hot air from my nose then smile because Toby's face was turning read.

"You are a jerk" I said and continued to walk with the others.

"Let's go party now" said a jock from the football team everyone around him cheered in agreement.

People started to head down the mountain and back to their cars, "want me to drive you there" Toby asked as we walked with the others. I nod my head and smile.

It took us a few minutes to get back to the entrance.

I follow Toby to his car, he had a blue Toyota truck. I get into his truck and we conversate and all the way to the party.

We pull up to the house, people were all over the lawn chatting with soda or water I'm their hand. Music was booming out of the house. "This is going to be fun" Toby said as we walk to the house, he wrapped his arm over my shoulders.


I want to save some good stuff for the next chapter.

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