Chapter 18

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~Ski's P.O.V.

We arrive at Zak's house, we pile out of the car and go inside. Desmond starts looking for his keys around the kitchen and outside. He comes in from outside and dangles his keys in the air, "Found them."

"Good now you can go home. No I'm just kidding" Zak joked "I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to go now" Jake walks towards the door "I'll walk you out" Jake let's Bee go out the door with him. It was just Zak, Desmond, and I in the house "I'm going to stay for a little bit"

We all go in the living room and turn on the TV. I sat on the couch with Zak at my side and Desmond sitting on the floor between my legs. "What are we going to watch" Desmond said breaking the silence, "I don't know" Zak turns the channel to UFC "I don't understand why these men beat on each other to a pulp." I said a little irritated.

"Because they get paid to do it" Desmond smiles up at me, I tap his forehead. Zak was into the TV but also into his phone, that reminds me. I take my phone out of my pocket and check my twitter account. I had a lot of notifications and everything, like new followers, retweets, mentions, and favorites. So when I was done following the people who followed me, I got on Instagram.

Let's just say I'm obsessed with Instagram, Vine, and Twitter. Once I was on Instagram Bee tagged me in a photo. It was a picture of her and Jake on the strip. Why were they at the strip?! I thought they were outside?! The caption said "Hanging with my buddy Jake here @jakeyo"

I switch the ringer off and put it on the selfie camera, I put my phone at an angle so it can show me and Zak together. "Hey Zak" he looks at me then notices my phone. I snap the picture "did you just take a picture of me" he said "yes" I replied happily "what are you posting it on?" He looks over my shoulder "um Instagram and Twitter" I look up at him, he gives me a smile and goes back to his phone.

When I was done posting it and tweeting it, I asked Desmond to move so I can go upstairs to the room to take a shower. While I was in the room I grabbed my clothes out of the drawer until I felt arms wrap around my waist. I elbowed the person and pushed them off. When I twirled around it was just Desmond holding his side "Oh my gosh I am so so sorry Desmond" I said putting my hand on his shoulder and touching the spot I elbowed. "It's fine it was my fault for doing that to you alone up here" he stands up straight breathing hard and rubbing the spot I hurt.

He starts chuckling "what" I was flustered "it's just funny that I got hit by a girl" he touches my nose with his forefinger "well you scared me I thought you were a stranger that broke into the house." I turn my back and gather the rest of my clothes "by the time you get out of the shower I'll be gone so can I have a kiss please before I go" I turn around to face him.

He places his hands on my hips and kisses me. He deepens the kiss, he brings me closer to him as if I wasn't close enough. I break the kiss and asked "when are we going on our first date?" "I don't know maybe when I get these stitches out of my head then we can have our date. Okay?" He brings his lips closer to mine until Zak called my name. I turn my head away from Desmond to answer Zak "yes!" I yelled Desmond grabs my chin and brings my lips to his. "Do you mind if I had some friends come by." Desmond gets all into the kiss and starts devouring me, I pull back "no I don't mind, it's your house" I drop my clothes and wrap my arms around his neck, he pushes me up against the drawer and kisses down my neck roughly. Images of Daniel was flashing before my eyes, it was like Daniel was doing it.

"Desmond stop" but he didn't budge "stop it Dez" I try squirming out of his hold but he was stronger. He started to squeezing my hips with his hand. "Desmond your hurting me" I yelled whispered. "Come on Ski let's go to the bed" he said into my neck "what no, Desmond get off." He picks me up and puts me on the dresser, he opens my legs and puts himself in between them. He kisses me roughly hurting my lips. I push him off "I said stop it Desmond, shit...I think it's time for you to go" I lick my lips. It felt like his lips were against mine still, they throbbed from his.

"Okay" he straighten his clothes out. "I'm sorry."

He leaves the room, my heart was pounding out of my chest. Daniel really fucked me up - fucked us up.

I picked up my clothes from the floor and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower head and stripped down. The warm water felt so good on my body I shut my eyes and let the warm water shower over me. Until Daniel snuck into my mind, just thinking about him makes me pissed. Sometimes I wonder if I told Mom a long time ago, I wouldn't be so screwed up in the head. I bathed myself then got out.

I put my dirty clothes in the room in the hamper. Walking down the stairs I heard other peoples voices, they sounded familiar. One voice sounded like Bee but I could be wrong and another sounded like Dez. I thought he left? When I was at the bottom of the stairs there stood Nick, Aaron, Zak, Bee, and Dez. All eyes landed on me "Ski I want you to meet-" I interrupted him to say "Nick and Aaron" I practically yelled. I went over and hugged Nick and Aaron. Aaron was just a huggable person, if he offered a hug to me I'll never turn it down.

"We love you guys" I said like a little school girl "I thought you loved me" he said frowning I rolled my eyes and smiled. "We do" Bee said to Zak "You two are twins" Aaron asked "yes."

"Are you the oldest" Nick asked "yeah" I answered "When one twin gets hurt does the other twin feel it" Nick asked next thing I know Zak is pinching my arm "ow!" said Bee and I. Everybody gasped and smiled "No I'm just kidding I didn't feel that" Bee started laughing. "That would have been awesome if you felt that" Aaron said.


When we were all in the living room talking and having a good time, I caught Desmond looking at me a couple of times and even felt him staring when I wasn't looking.

"What irritates you when people notice you two being twins" Zak asked "oh many things. For one when people ask 'are you twins' I be like naw we're just cousins who just look exactly alike. I don't say that but I be wanting too. And sometimes when people say do you feel what the other twin feels, or do you like having a twin" I answered his question.

"So did you get annoyed when we asked if you could feel each other's pain?" Aaron looked like he was hoping it was no. "My dad's friend asked us one time, saying if we got boyfriends would we switch on them" Bee said trying to remember what he said.

When Bee mentioned boyfriend my eyes went straight to Desmond, his met mine and we stared at each until Bee mentioned my name. Getting back to reality I answered her question.

"Well I'm going to go it's getting late, and I have school tomorrow. Do you mind walking me out Ski" Desmond stood up and walked up beside me. "Sure" I said putting up a smile "I'll see you guys later" he waved at everybody and they waved back.

We walked towards the door, Desmond opened the door me and let me out first. I walked down the driveway and up to his car. He had a blue Audi. His family is kind of rich so he gets good things and they spoil him.

Desmond walks to the drivers side while I'm at the passenger side. "Again Ski I'm really so-" I already knew what he was going to say "I know Dez you don't have to apologize" I look down at the ground "is it because of your brother" I whip my head up to have Desmond's eyes on me "no" I lied. He looked at me suspiciously "well I'm sorry anyway, I was getting a little to rough and hurting you. I was just - I don't know why I was acting that way" he shakes his head.

"You're a virgin" I said simply "yeah maybe that's it. And that's why you said stop too because you're a virgin and you didn't want nothing happening" my vision started to blur "yea that's why" I put my head down and looked at the concrete ground and took deep breaths to keep the tears in "I'll see you tomorrow at school then" Desmond gives me a weak smile "yea school" I give him a smile. He gets into his car and starts it up he waves to me then backs out. I wave at him.

I walk back to the house, once I got in everybody was still chatting. I walk to stairs when Zak asked a question "you going to bed." "Yes" I turn around to have all eyes on me "okay" I walk up the stair and into the room. I plop on the bed and cover up.


Sorry I haven't update lately. But I have my reasons though. So comment, vote, and fan. So tell me what you think!! Peace✌️

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