Chapter 26

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~Ski's P.O.V.

I sat down on the couch, a couple next to me was talking and making out and on the other side of me was just a drunk person. A Taylor Swift song came on. Since that song came on everybody got up to dance, I'm not getting up because I'm not a big fan of her and I just sat down.

Bee and Jake finally sat down next to me. "You guys were dancing for a long time how are you guys not tired" I said, they were both panting "yeah I'm tired I'm going to go get a drink of water I'll be back" Jake gets up and kisses Bee on top of the head. "Where's Dez" Bee asked me "now that I think about it I don't know, I was with him early but I went to the bathroom and he was gone" I look around to see if I can find him but it was too dark and there was too many people.

I kept looking when I saw that psychotic bitch trying, key word trying to kiss a cute boy with a flannel shirt and has a scar on his head, but he kept pushing her off. She didn't get the hint.

When I took a closer look it was...Desmond. My Desmond. "Is that Desmond over there with that girl you were fighting with the other day or is my eyes playing tricks on me" I whispered to Bee. She looks to where I'm pointing and then looks at me "yeah that is" Bee said getting angry.

I stood up, walked over to them and took her hair in my left hand and yanked her off, I right hooked her in the face. "You bitch" I punched her in the face again. I don't do all that slapping and shit, I punch and I only grab the hair so she don't get away from me. I let go of her hair "what the fuck" I yelled. I realized the people have made a circle around us.

"She kept trying to hit on me and kiss me. I kept pushing her away" Desmond said, he sounded scared that'll be mad at him. "Desmond, we'll talk about this later too" I turn back to the slut. "What is your fucking problem, you can't keep your slutty hands away from boys can you?" I yelled. She rushes at me, and punches me in the face.

I pick her up and throw onto the ground, I know that knocked the wind out of her lungs because she didn't move for a second. I got on top of her and straddles her waist and punched her in the face. I did it again then stopped. I got off of her then told someone to put her outside. "I'll get you for this bitch" she yelled back as she was being escorted outside "Ski" Desmond started to say I put my hand against his chest to silence him. I walk past him and up the stairs to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror, she hit my jaw. There's going to be a bruise in the morning. I leave the bathroom and walk back downstairs.

Oh man, there's school tomorrow! I pull out my phone it was 9 o'clock. "Okay everybody it's time to leave" no one listened "the cops are coming everybody run" everyone started to bolt out the door running to their cars. It looked funny.

Desmond smiles at me. I smile back. Once the house was clear from everybody I told them to clean up. While I went to take a shower.

When I was done, I went to the guest room. I charged my phone. I lay down and shut my eyes for a minute.

"Ski" I raise up an see Desmond walking in "are you okay" he sits next to me "yes I'm fine" I lied. "I know you're not, you're just saying that so I don't have to worry about you" He said taking my hand in his.

"Okay I'm not fine" I said "are we going to talk about it now" he asked sitting back against the wall. "Yes we're going to talk about it now" I sit next to him against the wall, he still held my hand.

"Let's start off with what happened with that girl" I said. He took a deep breath then began to speak. "She kept trying to hit on me and kiss me but I continued to push her off. Then that's when you came and took her off" I nod my head.

"Okay now that's over and down with, let's talk about early this morning" I said. He nods his head "to answer your question, its because of Daniel" I let go of his hand and put it between my thighs "what about him" he's so confused of what's going on.

"It's because I'm not a virgin Dez" I look up at him, there was something in his eyes that showed sadness, surprise, and something else. "You're not a virgin" he whispered, I shook my head no. "How-why?" He added "Because Daniel...raped me" I looked away from him and at my hands between my hands. I rub them together tears were threatening to spill, I wiped them away before they could fall.

"Daniel, your brother, raped you. What about Bee?" He asked "she was too but he doesn't really mess with her because he said she's too small that I'm bigger than her" tears continued to fall from my face. From the corner of my eye I saw Desmond ball his hand into a fist.

"How old were you when it happened" he said. I look at him again this time he looked like he was about to cry "we were 13 years old when it started" he grabs my hand "I'm sorry Ski that happened to you" he grabs my hand in his again.

"Now I'm screwed up in the head and a sex freak because of him" I wipe the tear from my face that has been streaming down my cheek.

"Hey, you're not a sex freak and you are not screwed up in the head." He brings my hand that he was holding up to his lips.

"To me you are perfect even though you got your flaws. I love you more than anything in this world, I love you more than food and that's saying something" I chuckle at him "see you're even cuter when you chuckle at me. And that's what I love about you, you still have something to laugh about. Even though I said something stupid to make you laugh" he places a hand to my cheek.

"Everything about you is lovable, cute, sweet, charming, and perfect. You are original, no one can replace you. Because you are one of a kind" he brings my lips to his.


I thought this chapter was really good. But wait till the next chapter that's the one that's really good. You are going to have some feels on that one.

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