Chapter 33

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~ Next Day (Saturday)

~ Desmond's P.O.V.

I'm only breaking up with Ski because I cheated on her with Michael yesterday, before I talked to her. We're not a thing but it's like gay friends with benefits. But I still don't even know if I'm gay yet.

It was after school when it happened.

But right now I was dropping Michael off at his house before I went home. We had gone to the park and played football for awhile.

When I pulled up to his house he turned to me and without a warning he kisses me on the lips. He grabbed my face into his hands and forced his tongue into my mouth.

I was kissing him back.

The kiss was hungry and full of lust. I pull away and my lips throbbed from his "you should go inside" I place my fingers on my lips "come inside" he opens the car door.

I nod my head and take my keys out of the ignition. We walk up to his front door and went inside, "you want something to drink" he asked going into the kitchen "yeah please" I clear my throat. He gives me a bottle water.

We have been kissing a lot this week ever since Monday but nothing happened until yesterday.

It was different for sure, nothing like a girl. Because we were both trying to be dominant and rough. But girls are more submissive and gentle.

"So about last night..." Michael started "Yeah last night was kind of weird for me, but I don't know" I scratch the back of my neck. "I know this is weird and embarrassing to ask but did you like it" he asked. That is an embarrassing question to ask.

To be honest, I did like it. "The truth" I asked and walked over to him "yes" he nods his head "I did like it" I smile at him. A smile appears on his lips at my answer "and why" he grabs my hand "Because it was different, in a good way though" I said and leaned against the kitchen counter.

He smiles again and leans into me so both of our stomachs touched. "What are we" I asked, I don't know what we are. Are we a thing or friends that have benefits?

"I would like for us to be together but I don't know about you" he plays with the hem of my shirt "I wouldn't mind giving it a try for a while and see where it goes from there" I said and looked down at him. He nods his head after a while of silence.

I lean down and kiss him. I place my hands on each side of his face to deepen it. He does the same.

I think I like how rough he is with me. He puts a hand behind my neck, and moves my head to the side so he'll have more access to my neck. He kisses down my jawline to my neck.

I push him away lightly "I have to go see Ski" I said in a husky whisper "yeah okay" I lean my forehead against his. I slide out from under him and walk to the front door.

I get into my car and start it up.

~ Ski's P.O.V.

I waited in the living room for the door bell to ring. The anxiety I'm having is overwhelming and I can't take it, I should take a quick swim or listen to music.

Jake comes walking into the living room and sits down. Jake had came over earlier today to see how I'm doing. "Hey Ski waiting for Desmond" he asked "yeah still waiting I wish he said what time he'll come" my legs bounce up and down of nervousness and anxiety.

I am angry, depressed, and so many other emotions that a person can feel at this very moment.

"Relax Ski everything is going to be okay, alright" he comes over from his spot and sits next to me. I smile at him and give him a hug "thank you Jake" I stop hugging him and lay my head on his shoulder. I let out a breath to calm my nerves a bit.

I shut my eyes and breathe in Jake's nice smell of light cologne. The bell rings.

I open my eyes quickly and start to breathe rapidly "He's here" I stand up and walk to the door, I take a breath and wait a little longer as if I wasn't waiting for him. Like I said yesterday I'm going to slap the crap out of him once he explains himself to me.

I open the door, and there stood Desmond. "Hey" he said breaking the silence "don't hey me let's gets this over with" I step outside on the porch "now explain to me why you want to break up" I lean against the wall next to the door.

"I want to break up because you have problems I can't deal with and-" I stop him from talking "you can't deal with my problems?! What kind of shit is that, everybody has problems. So that's a shitty response Desmond" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Let me finish...and I'm seeing someone else. I cheated on you Ski" he looks at me straight in the eyes. I gasp and slap him across the face. God, that felt good "you're cheating on me? How long has it been going on" I slap him again "just a week" he looks down at his feet.

"Who is she? What's her name" I push myself off the wall and take a step closer to him "It's not a she" he steps back. It's not a girl, but a boy. "How could you, you've been spending time with a boy while I'm going through so much right now. When I text or call you do you even look at your phone" I said. A tear was threatening to fall from the rim of my eye but I don't let it.

"Yes but I ignore them. I would listen to your voice messages and read your texts when I got home" he looks up at me to meet my eyes. "So you never tried to text or call me back" I shrug my shoulders and shake my head "I'm sorry" he said putting his hands in his pockets.

I tear falls down my face "you are such an asshole Desmond, I find out I can't have children then you don't answering my messages or calls and now you're telling me you're gay" I wipe my tears away roughly.

"I am sorry Ski" he said, more tears fall. I have to slap him just to let him know I am pissed off at him not just sad. So I did. I walk back inside the house and slammed the door.

I walked to the stairs "Ski are you okay" I turn around and everybody is sitting in the living room. Zak, Mom, Bee, and Jake.

"No I am not okay! Boys are so fucking retarded! First my stupid ass brother is a rapist, my body will never recover from what he did to me, I can't even have children in the future because of him, and Desmond was cheating on me with a fucking boy! All of you keep saying 'everything is going to be find Ski' but no it's not! You don't know how I feel and you don't know what I'm going through! Any of you" I sob and scream at them.

I look at them, my mom was crying so was Bee. Zak and Jake try to hold back their tears but were doing terrible at it. "Ski-" mom started to speak but I run upstairs to the guest room and slam the door.

I fall onto the bed and cry. I don't want them to bother me I want to stay in this room and cry all day. But I won't be able to because I still need to take my pills. But I don't even want to take those either.

I close my eyes and try to forget the world but my mind won't let me.


I open my eyes, my eyes were puffy from crying. There was a knock at the door "honey it's me you need to take your pills" she opens the door. "No I don't want them right now, I'll take them later" I turn my back to her and the door. "But you have too it's 1 o'clock in the afternoon" she persisted "no mom I don't want to take them right now geez" I look back at her then turn back.

The door closes, I turn again and see she left. I turn back and close my eyes, I fall asleep once again.

I open my eyes again, my eyes aren't as puffy as before. There was a knock again, "What. Do. You. Want." I turn to face the door "you need to take your pills Ski" Zak comes into the room. He held a cup of water and my pills in the other, raise up and take the pills and cup water. I swallow the pills and drink the water.

"Ski, I know you're sad and angry by you need to come downstairs an eat something" he sits down next to me on the bed. "I don't have an appetite right now, just put my food in the microwave please" I try to lay back down but Zak grabs my arm. He pulls me up to stand.

We leave the room and walk to the kitchen.


Comment who you think was bottom or top. Michael or Desmond. Ski is really upset. Get this chapter to 5 votes and I'll publish the next chapter.

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