Part 2

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The following day, you were in your chambers, smoothing out the creases in your dress as you stood in front of the mirror, when the doors opened and a girl walked in.

"Yes?" You turned to look at her.

"The Queen and the Prince have arrived." She replied.

Just a few moments later, you were rushing down the stairs and to the hall where your grandmother stood, waiting for you.

"Where is your sister?" She asked you as soon as you appeared.

"Still sleeping, I believe. "You replied, making the older woman scoff.

"Still? Her soon to be husband, the future King, is here and she is still in bed!" She started her rant, face turning red. "... ignoring her responsibilities. I sometimes wonder-"

"Grandmother." You interrupted her when the sound of carriage stopping in front of the castle could be heard. "I sent someone to wake her. Let us worry about our guests now, shall we? Rose will join us when she's ready."

She nodded her head, walking out of the castle. You immediately followed after her, just in time to see a woman step out of the carriage, wearing a crown on her head. A smile appeared on her face when she saw your grandmother and she walked towards her, pulling her into a hug, while they were saying something to each other. However, your attention was directed somewhere else. The man that stepped out of the carriage and was looking around caught your gaze and his eyebrows raised in interest.

Your grandmother turned to tell something to the servant, when the boy appeared next to his mother, quietly whispering to her. "Is that my bride?"

The Queen smiled warmly at her son."That is her sister. You will meet your bride, don't worry."

Tony grimaced, but followed after her anyway. She approached you. "Y/N, it's been a long time."

You smiled, curtsying to the Queen."Your Majesty."

"You've grown since the last time I saw you." She said. "And you look beautiful."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." You gestured at her to go inside."Everything is already prepared for you. Rose will be joining us later."

Just as you three walked inside, you were met with a figure walking down the stairs.

"Your Majesty." Rose immediately grinned as she approached both of them. You watched the Queen pull her into a hug, and Tony kissed her hand, looking straight into her eyes. Her whole attitude changed, she looked sweet and so... lovable and well-mannered. That made you bite on the inside of your cheek as you watched her pretend to be something she was not, just so she could win the Prince's affection.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tony could see a tall, dark-haired man enter the castle, holding his hands behind his back as he walked over to you. His long, black hair was braided while he was wearing green and gold armor. He walked to your side, looking at Rose while speaking to you.

"Your sister is unusually sweet today, isn't she, my lady?" His elegant, deep voice asked.

"She is only pretending to be." You replied.

Tony recognized the boy as Loki, one of the Dukes of Asgard. He watched as the two of you whispered to each other, before you left together and he was stuck standing there with his mother introducing his future bride to him.

Meanwhile, you walked out with Loki, enjoying the rays of the spring sun washing over your skin and warming you up. Loki stood behind you, looking down at you with a soft smile on his face.

His hand on your shoulder made you shudder, even in the warm weather."Have I told you you look exquisite today, my darling?"He asked with his deep voice, making your heart race.

You could never get used to this, no matter how many times Loki does it. His fingers brushed over your naked neck, making you take a deep breath in.

"Thank you." You whispered out, feeling his arm brush against your body as he stood next to you.

Loki was your friend, you two had grown close together. You were sure he never meant for you to become something more, he just loved flirting with girls, and that included you, too. You looked up at his taller figure and he winked at you, lips curling into a smirk when he saw the shy look appear on your face. He enjoyed doing that, you were so easy to make embarrassed by a simple act of affection.

You felt his hand on your waist, holding you tight against him as you walked down the stairs together."Watch it here, darling."He warned you, making sure you don't fall.

Loki turned to look back at Tony, who caught sight of you again, and turned his attention back to you, a smirk on his face.

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