Part 17

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"You will get lost!" Tony yelled as he rushed after you. "Is this enough? The only thing you did is walk deeper into the woods and you're nowhere close to the camp now!"

You stopped and turned to look at him, anger written across your face."Then bring us back!"

"It is getting dark. There is a long walk to the camp, we must find somewhere to sleep. We'll continue in the morning."

"Sleep?" You raised your voice. "I'm not sleeping anywhere close to you. I would rather get eaten alive by a wild animal."

"Watch where you're going."Tony said, noticing you were walking backwards to the edge of a hill and were in danger of falling off of it and into the river below.

"I want to go back! Right now!"

Tony sighed. You were too stubborn and it was annoying him. "How? It's dark, we won't see anything!" He took a step forward and you immediately took a step backwards.

"No, don't you dare approach me!"

Your eyes widened when you almost fell over the edge, but a hand on your wrist pulled you back. Your chest bumped against Tony's and you breathed heavily when you realized what almost happened. Your faces were inches away and he stared you down.

"Do you have a death wish?" He asked.

"Let me go."You looked down at your elbows that he had a tight grip on.

"Only if you come with me."

"No, let me go!" You let out a scream as you both slipped and found yourself falling off the edge and into the ice cold water. Your lungs started to burn as you fell deep into the water.

Tony swam up, taking in a deep breath as he looked around. "This fucking stubborn, stupid woman."He mumbled out as he started to swim to the land, but realized you never came up." Y/N?"He called out into the dark night, but no one was there."For fuck's sake." For a second, he actually considered walking away from this and returning to the camp, telling everybody he never saw you. Then, he disappeared under the water, his gaze falling on your unconscious figure in the water. He grabbed you and swam up until you both were on land. He laid your body on the ground while he tried to catch his breath.

"Wake up, you annoying-" He cut himself off when he saw you were still unconscious. He groaned, annoyed, before he rolled over towards you and lightly slapped your face. He untied your corset and threw it aside before he placed his hands on your chest and started to do compressions on you. "You better wake up because I'm not kissing you."He said as he moved away for a few seconds, waiting for a reaction. You started to cough and spilled water from your mouth, but except for that nothing happened. You didn't wake up. Tony looked up, seeing there was a small cabin not much far away from the river.

He picked you up in his hands and quickly walked with you to the cabin. It looked empty, like it was abandoned, but at least it had some furniture.

He quickly found a bed and placed you on it before he found candles and lightened them up. He took off your dress, leaving you in a simple white dress you had underneath. He ignored the way it stuck to your body, revealing everything underneath. Deciding not to take it off, he placed a few blankets and the covers over your cold body. "Fuck, you're shivering."He mumbled out, trying to think of what to do. He found some woods and started a fire, hoping it would warm up the cabin and you. Only when you stopped shivering, Tony moved away from your side.

He found some clothes that belonged to a man and put them on, leaving his and yours to dry. He approached the bed and placed his hand on your forehead to check if you had a fever. Luckily, you didn't, and Tony went to walk out of the room and sleep in another room when you woke up.

You rubbed your eyes and sat up on the bed, looking around. "Where am I?" You asked and then your gaze fell on Tony. "Great. It's you again."

"Is this how you greet the man that saved your life?" Tony asked.

"After you tried to kill me."You said."Why would you even try and save me? Hold on..." You remembered what happened and looked at Tony, horrified. "Please tell me you didn't kiss me."

"Are you joking? I'm not crazy."

"Thank God."You breathed out."Where are we?"

"Some cabin."Tony replied."I can't bear to listen to your voice anymore, I will sleep in another room."

"Is there a bed?" You asked.


"Well... we can share, I guess. You saved my life."You said."But no touching."

Tony seemed to think about it for a few moments. "Like I would even try."He spat before he walked to the other side of the bed and laid down. You moved as far away as you could from him and turned your back to him, as he did to you, before you fell asleep again.

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