Part 18

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The following morning, as soon as the sun started to rise, Tony was the first to wake up. He looked around the room he found himself in and remembered the events of last night. He turned towards you, only to see your body snuggled up to him and his hand around your waist. As soon as he realized what was going on, he let go of you and pushed you away from him.

That seemed to wake you up, too, and he closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep while you were waking up. After a few moments, he heard commotion and he opened his eyes, only to see you sitting on your side of bed, your back turned towards him. He could only watch as you let your hair fall down your back. You fixed the straps of your silk dress and got up from the bed. Tony quickly closed his eyes, but he couldn't help but take a small peek at what you were doing. He quickly found himself regretting it. He could see every little detail of your body through the small dress. His gaze remained on the swell of your breasts as you walked. You left the room and Tony sat up in the bed, rubbing his face as he tried to erase that memory from his head.

Soon, you walked back into the room, wearing the dress from the previous night that was now completely dry.

"You're awake."You said.

"You sound disappointed."Tony noticed, but you ignored him.

"Do you mind helping me?" You turned your back to him and he left the bed, approaching you. You felt his hand move your hair over your shoulder, brushing against your neck and making you take in a sharp breath.

You gasped when he pulled on the strings and started to tie your corset.

"There."He said after a few moments."Although, I'm better at untying them."

"Get dressed. I'm not staying in this place with you longer than I need to."You simply said and walked away.

Tony rolled his eyes, letting out a breath. He hated how you ignored each comment he made. He wasn't sure why he found himself prefering to hear your voice, even if you were arguing and disagreeing with him.

Soon, he found himself walking by your side through the woods as you two walked back to the camp.

"So, you and my brother."Tony began, making you glare at him.

"What of it?"

"Nothing. I just noticed he spends his days pining after you."Tony said and you looked away from him.

"You should pay more attention to Lady Lucy and how you're going to explain this to her."You spat and sped up, putting more distance between you and him.

Lucy. Tony thought of her. He couldn't believe he was blind enough to risk his crown for her. Her only goal was to be the Queen and now, when she realized she wasn't going to get that, she put an end to whatever her and Tony had.

As soon as you caught sight of the camp, you found your body relaxing. It looked empty as it was still early morning. Tony trailed behind you and his eyes caught Alistair moving towards you.

"Y/N!" He said and, as soon as he approached you, he wrapped you in a hug. Tony noticed his arms wrapping around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck. He looked away, biting his tongue. "You're alive."Alistair whispered in your ear, parting from you to take a look at you and see if you were injured.

"I'm fine."You assured him.

"She's not."Tony interrupted you and Alistair looked at him."She had a fever last night, she needs someone to check on her."

Your eyebrows furrowed. How did he know you had a fever, when it happened in the middle of the night?

"What happened to you?" Alistair looked at you, grabbing your face.

"I will tell you everything."You said.

"I will have someone check on you and then we must leave."

"Why?"Tony asked.

"Father was injured during hunt. They took him back home and we must go, too."Alistair said, placing his hand on your lower back and leading you away, leaving Tony to stare after you two in shock.

When a healer was done with you, Alistair was sat by your side as you told him everything that happened.

"I am surprised."Alistair said."He had several chances to kill you if he wanted a way out of this. Why did he save you instead?"

"I'm sure he's planning something."You said.

"While you were away, I spent last night talking to some heads of noble houses."Alistair said, leaving out the detail about getting drunk with those men."Many of them said they would rather support me on the throne, than my brother."

"Really?"You asked."That... that is good, isn't it? What can I do to help you?"

"You won't do anything."He said, making the smile drop from your face."This is treason. If my brother finds out, he could have your head for this."


"I will handle everything. Leave it to me. You should take care of yourself now. Although, there is something I must tell you."

"What is it?"

"Your sister. She's with child."He said, making you gasp."My child."

"What?"You almost screamed out."You and- You and her? Is this true?" He looked away from you, a hurt look flashing across his face, but he still nodded. "Was this all an act? Between you and her, to make me a fool?"

"It's not, I swear to you it's not."He tried taking your hand, but you pulled away.


"Don't make me do this."

"Leave me, Alistair. You've said and did enough."You said."I wish to be alone now."

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him nod, and then he got up and left you. You stared at something in fronr of you, completely silent. You stayed like that for a few moments, until you heard footsteps.

You looked up and met Tony's gaze as he walked into the camp, his gaze turning worried when he saw how you looked. "We're leaving."

You nodded and got up from the bed, following him outside.

"Are you alright?"

You gave him a glare before you walked to one of the carriages and got in.

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