Part 36

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"Are you sure you should be up?" Your grandmother asked and you sighed, turning around from the window."You're already in your ninth month, the baby should arrive any day now. You must rest. I'm sure you're in pain."

"My back hurts, along with my feet. My breasts are swollen and I feel like the baby is pushing against my lungs and kicking my bladder every chance it gets. So, yes. You could say I'm in pain. But, I've had worse."You said, walking to your chair. Natasha immediately appeared, helping you settle down onto the chair before she adjusted the pillows. You let out a sigh as you felt the pressure finally disappear from your back as you placed a hand on your belly, where the baby had just harshly kicked. "The trials of being a woman."

She cleared her throat, handing you a cup of water. "Rose is also having a hard time adjusting to being an only parent to her son."

You let out another sigh and almost rolled your eyes as you took off your shoes and propped your feet up on the chair across yours. "Why must our every conversation end with her?"

"She is your sister. You still haven't visited her since she gave birth."

You closed your eyes and leaned back against the chair. "She doesn't want to see me. I won't chase her. She had her chance. I couldn't care less about her now."

"I would love it if you two went back to the way you used to be."

"Things change." You replied. "I don't want to talk about her anymore. Can we talk about something else?"

"Such as?"

You shrugged as you looked at her."Anything else."

"Where is your husband?"

"Occupied with other matters, I'm afraid." You replied, taking another sip of your water.

"The Council again?" She asked, but heard no answer from you. "Did they find another thing to complain about? Only yesterday, they were filling your husband's head with how he should find another woman to marry if you give birth to a daughter."

The empty cup dropped from your hands and you looked at her with wide eyes. "What did you say?"

"Did you not know that?" She asked."Do they keep that from you?"

"We do not." The sound of Maria's voice was heard in the chambers and you turned towards her as she approached you before placing a kiss on the top of your head. "How are you, my sweet girl?"

"I am alright." You replied and she smiled at you, cupping your cheek before she moved from you and looked at your grandmother.

"We do not keep things from her. We simply don't want her to worry, she has enough things to worry about. Did you not think it could be bad for her, or the baby's health if you told her this?" Maria asked. "Besides, my son would never do that. He adores your granddaughter too much."

"So, it is true?" You asked her.

"I told you not to worry about it." She said as she squeezed your shoulder.

The doors opened again and Tony walked in. His face showed worry, but as soon as his gaze fell on you, he allowed himself to forget about it for a moment and focus on you.

"Come, we should leave them alone."Maria urged your grandmother as Tony approached you. The doors closed behind them, leaving an empty chamber, and Tony captured your lips with his, softly kissing you. "How are you feeling, my love?" He asked you, his hand carressing your bump.

"Is it true? What the Council is asking of you?" You asked.

Tony breathed out and the smile disappeared from his face. "Yes. I'm afraid it's true."

You gulped, looking away from him and to the window. Your words seemed stuck in your throat and you tried to form a sentence, while trying to stop yourself from crying. "If we have a daughter, what happens then?"

Tony's eyebrows furrowed and he knelt by your side before slowly turning your face towards him, being met with your eyes full of tears."What would happen? She is to be a Princess, and she will be loved by both of us."

"If they make you marry another woman, you... just promise me you won't forget about our child." You took his hand in yours while he looked at you in question.

"What are you talking about, Y/N? Of course I wouldn't forget about our child. As for marrying another woman, forget it. I won't do as they say."

You looked down, avoiding his gaze. His words did little to assure you. You knew it wasn't up to him at the end of the day.

"Do you want to take a walk outside?"He asked you, making you let out a chuckle.

"Sure, if you can lift me from this chair." You said.

"Come on." Tony took your hand and wrapped his hands around your waist, helping you up. As soon as you stood up, you let out a wince, making Tony panic. "Did I hurt you, my love?"

"No, no. It's not you. My stomach has just been hurting since this morning."

"Why did you not say that earlier?" He asked you as you both walked to the door. "I would stay here with you."

"There is nothing you can do about it."You told him as you let him lead you outside for some fresh air.

That night, as Tony was sleeping, you were woken up by sharp pain spreading through your lower half. You didn't want to wake him, so you stood up from the bed, hoping to find Maria. You were sure that amount of pain shouldn't be normal, but you took a deep breath, grit your teeth and walked out of the chambers, walking down the hallway and to the Dowager Queen's chambers, hoping she could tell you what was happening. Just as you turned a corner, you felt another sharp pain and you stopped, leaning against the wall as you tried to catch your breath. The hallway was empty, not even a single guard could be seen anywhere. You felt something liquid gush out of you and travel down your leg. You let out a gasp at the feeling before daring to look down at the floor. Under your dress, you saw red drops making their way down your leg, making your heart stop. It was blood.

Before you could yell out for help, a cloth was placed against your mouth and strong arms wrapped around your body, trapping you. You tried to kick the person holding you, but whatever the cloth was soaked in, made you tired and you could only allow your limp body to collapse in the person's arms, the darkness being the only thing you could see.

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