Part 10

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You were on your way to the dining room, along with Natasha. Just as you were about to enter it, the door to the castle opened and you caught sight of who walked in, making you stop all your movements. "Loki." You breathed out.

"My lady." He bowed his head to you, a soft smile on his face, the one you hadn't seen in a long time.

"I was thinking you... " You trailed off, unable to form a sentence when he approached you, placing his hand on your shoulder. The whole time, you thought your friendship was over and he would never come with you.

"You needed me." He smiled. "And I'm here."

You couldn't do anything else, but wrap him in a hug. He placed his hands around your body and hugged you even tighter.

"Go on now. You have a dinner with the King and Queen. We will talk later."He whispered in your ear and you nodded.

When Loki walked away, you walked into the chambers. Everybody, except the King and Queen, was already there. There was an empty chair between Alistair and Tony, waiting for you. You didn't look up to meet Rose's scowl as she took another glass of wine and almost downed it in one gulp.

"My love, I've been waiting for you."Alistair mumbled out to you as you sat down. A smile appeared on your face as you glanced at him.

Before you two could say anything else, the door opened and the King walked in, with the Queen by his side. You all immediately rised from your chairs in greeting as they walked to their own places.

After they settled down, you were allowed to take your places as well and you did. You glanced at Rose, who was sat on the other side of Tony and was drinking another cup of wine. You looked to your other side and saw Alistair drinking as well. You breathed out, debating in your head whether you should drink too.

"So, Duchess Y/N and Lady Rose." The King began. Rose immediately put down her cup and swallowed the remaining wine. "I must say my wife was right as always. You truly seem like great matches for my sons."

Just as you opened your mouth to speak, you were interrupted. Rose smiled with another one of her fake smiles. "Thank you, Your Grace."

You breathed out again and leaned back in your chair. Alistair placed a hand on your thigh and squeezed it, making you smile back at him.

After the dinner, you were led back to your chambers. The dinner, to your surprise, went good. Rose managed not to embarrass both, you and herself. She was trying to win the King over to her side, constantly smiling at him and answering his every question. Although, you had to jump in and answer the questions about your duchy, since Rose couldn't bother to learn about her own home.

You were sat in your chair in your chambers after dinner and Natasha was tending to your hair."How did the dinner go, my lady?"She asked.

"Good." You replied. "The King certainly approves of both marriages."

She nodded, a smile on her face."You seem like a great partner to the younger Prince. He certainly needs someone to help his problems because his own family... " She trailed off and looked at your reflection in the mirror, thinking she crossed the line. She was reassured when you nodded at her to continue. "His own family... it is like they abandoned him because he is not the heir."

A frown appeared on your face when Natasha confirmed everything Alistair told you earlier.

"I think he only deserves someone to accept him as he is. Yes, he was always a rebel, but that is the King's fault, is it not?"

"I believe so." You nodded.

You were interrupted by a noise coming from the chambers next to you. You and Natasha shared a look, both questioning what was happening. You quickly exited your chambers and rushed to see what the noise was about. You knew Rose's chambers were next to you and she got drunk, so you thought she hurt herself. However, once you made your way inside, you found yourself regretting your decision.

Alistair and Rose were both laid naked in her bed, Alistair thrusting into her, both moaning. They had the covers over their bodies, but it was clear as day what they were doing.

"Oh my God!" Natasha's lips parted im shock and she looked at you, only to see you had the similar reaction. The girl that was supposed to be taking care of Rose walked into the chambers as well, gasping in shock."My lady!" She screamed out just as Tony walked into the scene as well.

It was like they both sobered up immediately, Rose pushing Alistair away when she saw him. They both scrambled to cover themselves.

"What is the meaning of this?" Tony asked.

"Tony!" Rose panicked when she saw him. "I'm sorry, I-" The tears had started to fall down her cheeks and she looked lost in the whole situation."I didn't know it was him, I swear! I was drunk and I-"

"Enough!"Tony interrupted. "This is how you respect your future husband, is it? And you, brother? What do you have to say?"

"I-" He ran his hand through his hair."I thought it was Y/N, they both look similar, I didn't realize-"

"I think I've heard enough." You said, feeling suffocated. "I should... I should return home."

"No!" Alistair immediately got up from the bed.

"Dear God!" The maids that witnessed the scene gasped at the sight of him naked and turned away.

He only put on his pants before rushing after you down the hallway."Y/N wait, my love, please!"

"Don't call me that!" You snapped at him, but didn't stop yet. He shook his head before he ran after you and grabbed your wrist, making you stop and he pulled on it, turning you around.

"Listen to me, please."

"I saw everything, Alistair."

"Please, my love. It was a mistake, I didn't know it was her, do you seriously think I would sleep with her? You are the only one for me."

"It's too late for that."

"Please hear me out."

"What difference would it make? Everybody saw you. Hell, even the maids saw you! I left my family, my friends, my home and my duties for you. I thought this would end up good. Apparently, I was wrong. This is how you paid me back."You pulled away from him and continued your path down the hallway and to your chambers.

"Don't say that. Please."

"Please just leave me alone-" You said over the sound of Tony and Rose fighting. Just as Alistair wanted to approach you, another door opened and it was Loki who walked out, standing in front of you and blocking you from Alistair's view.

"My lady said she wants to be alone, I believe." He said.

"Your Highness, the King requested to see you and Lady Rose." A young girl approached you, talking to Alistair. Alistair looked at you over Loki's shoulder, a heartbroken look on his face.

His lips parted as if he was about to say something, but decided not to. His jaw clenched and he blinked a few times, as if he was trying to not let his tears fall. He pressed his lips in a tight line, meeting your gaze once again.

"Fine." He whispered out so you wouldn't hear the pain in his voice. He turned around and followed after the girl without another word.

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