Part 34

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It was three months later. You shared a look with Tony as you were sat next to him in the Council meeting. Maria was also there, glaring at the gathered men around the table, while you kept your head down.

"You may speak, James."Tony nodded to a man, who was introduced to you as Lord Oliver's brother, the man who you killed for assaulting you.

"Your Grace."James began and you took a sharp breath, already knowing what will follow."The Council had a meeting yesterday and majority agrees over one thing."

Tony leaned forward on the table."And what that might be?"

"Annulling your marriage to Lady Y/N."The lord answered, making you raise your head to look at him.

Tony only let out an amused laugh, gesturing at him to continue."Go on."

"As we all know, she has once been accused of betraying your trust and planning your downfall, along with your brother, the Prince. The Council sees her unfit to rule by your side. Instead, we propose taking a girl from one of our families, for who we know is loyal to the crown. And the most important reason, the wedding was months ago. She is not with child yet, and it could be possible that she is unable to give you one, Your Grace."

"What are those accusations?" Maria asked. "You're accusing the Queen in front of her husband, and he knows she is not guilty, or she would not be sat here with us. I've lost a son because of those accusations, and I will not lose the girl who I see as a daughter."

"Perhaps you're too emotional-"

"Emotional?" Maria narrowed her eyes as she looked at the lord. "You're telling me that I'm too emotional?"She turned towards you."Y/N, dear, what do you have to say about this?"

You looked up when she called your name, snapping out of your thoughts."Me?"You asked her. Tony looked at you, noticing how you were quiet the whole time and your body was shaking. You looked at him and caught his gaze."It is the King's decision, not mine, I fear."

Maria's worried gaze looked over you as you avoided eye contact with her.

"I apologize, I-" You licked over your lip as you got up from your chair, feeling dizzy and hot all of a sudden. You were sure it was because of the suffocating air in the room. "I have to go."

You rushed out of the room as quickly as you could. Tony quickly got up to go after you, but he was stopped by lord James calling his name, expecting an answer from him.

"Your Grace, you must give us an answer. You have to make the right decision."

"Do you want to hear my decision?"He turned back towards the man, taking a step towards him, while he backed away from the angry glare of the King."If I hear any of you say such things about my wife ever again, I will make sure you have no way to do that ever again."He grabbed James by the collar and looked into his eyes."I will cut your tongue out and stuff it down your throat if you do it again. Y/N is your Queen and you will learn to respect her. And I will certainly never take another wife. Did you understand me?"

He quickly nodded and Tony released him before chasing after you. He found you a few minutes later in your shared chambers. You were sat on the floor, leaning against a wall as you tried to catch your breath."You're here."Tony whispered, quickly getting onto his knees next to you."How are you feeling?"

You looked up at him and Tony looked worried. You were looking sick and he hated that he listened to them and brought you to the meeting. His hand came up to cup your cheek while you spoke up. "Do you agree with them?"

Tony's eyebrows furrowed. "Agree with them? Y/N, are you crazy?" He asked, forcing you to look at him when you tried to look away. "I would never leave you, or allow them to break us apart. No matter what happened between us in the beginning, I love you now and that is not going to change."

Your lips curved into a smile when you heard his words. "Really?"

"Yes."He quickly replied, taking your hand and kissing it."I care about you. I would never take another wife, no matter what they want."

"We have no heir yet."You told him and he rolled his eyes before kissing you.

"We will soon, don't worry about such things."He said.

"They make me feel as if my only purpose is to birth children."You said."Every day is the same."

Tony frowned as he looked at you. He took your hands in his again and brought you into a hug. "Please, my love, don't worry yourself with such matters. It is up to us and I don't want to pressure you into giving me a child. We will have one when you're ready."

You breathed out and looked at Tony, quickly reaching up and placing a kiss on his soft lips. He was quick to kiss you back and tighten his hold on you."Thank you, Tony."

"It is my duty to take care of you, my love."He pressed a kiss to your forehead."Now, do you wish to have a warm bath with me? Perhaps that will help to ease your nerves."

"That sounds good."You watched as he got up from his spot before pulling you up as well. Suddenly, you felt weak and drained. The air in the room was suffocating you and your breath was stuck in your throat."Tony..." Your hold tightened on his hand and his eyes widened as he looked at you.

"Y/N, what is happening?" He asked you quickly, but even before he finished the sentence, you lost all consciousness and fell straight into his arms. Tony, who realized you fainted, quickly picked you up and placed you on the bed. "My love? Wake up, please."He quickly went to the door and told the guards to call a healer, before he returned to your side and tried to wake you up.

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