Part 37

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As soon as you woke again, your body was consummed by the pain and you would've screamed if there wasn't something, a cloth of sorts, placed on your mouth. You were placed on a bed and your hands and feet were tied. Upon looking around the chamber you were in, you could tell you weren't far from the castle. Actually, you were inside the castle, only in the chambers that probably belonged to one of the maids. It was still night, as you had seen from the window.

You turned towards the door when you heard rushed whispers, and then they opened, revealing a girl and a man. When the girl's face came into view, you could feel your heart drop. It was the girl who Tony slept with the night you were imprisoned, the one you thought you helped get married and leave the court. By her side was, as you expected, Lord James.

"She's in labor. We can't keep her here." Her words made you panic, and you felt your heart speed up. You couldn't have your baby here, where they could do anything to it.

"Would you relax? Nobody knows she's even been taken. Everybody is sleeping." He told her, looking at you."She must pay for what she did to my brother. Maybe I should cut the baby out and give it to the King, watch him lose his mind when he realizes what happened."

Your gaze fell on the blade he held, it was shining under the candle light and you felt fear for what was coming.

"No!" Alice stopped him, a hand on his chest, before he could approach you and you breathed out. "She must have the baby. And then we can present it to the King later."

"We could tell him it is yours. From that night." He added and she nodded her head.

"That way, we could both get what we want." She said. "Now leave the blade. Nothing happens to her until the baby gets here." He listened to her and placed the weapon back in its place, letting her approach the bed and sit on it.

As soon as you felt her touch on your leg, you tried kicking her away, but that did nothing to stop her. She untied your legs and spread them, rising your dress, only for you to see it was soaked in blood. You felt like you could faint, the figures in the room becoming blurry in your eyes. Another contraction hit and you bit on the cloth, trying anything to stop the pain as she checked on you.

"It won't be long before she has to start pushing." She said, which made you look around the room, trying to find anything that could help you."She can't do it in this position, untie her."

"No." The man simply replied. "She could hurt us."

"Are you serious?" She got up from the bed and stood in front of him. "She's in labor. I don't think she could hurt us right now. Not with how much she's in pain now."

"I told you, Alice, she must stay tied up." James replied. "I am going to see if they realized she's gone yet. If they did not, perhaps we'll have enough time to rid of her body the way we wanted. I'll send a guard in here."

Your eyes squeezed shut in pain and you let out grunts and whimpers. The baby was the only thing keeping you alive now, but it won't be for long. You had to at least defend yourself.

When he left the room, Alice pulled away from you, wiping your blood off her hands. "The baby will be here soon. You better push. You lost too much blood, I'm not sure the baby is even alive." Her words made cold sweat wash over your body. Your baby. It could be dead if you weren't given proper care now. If you survived the night, you swore you would have both of their heads.

You felt her harsh hands on your body and she untied your hands before tying them to each side of the bed. Too tired to fight her, you let her do what she wanted. She took the cloth from your mouth and brought a cup with water to your lips. You drank it as best as you could. As she turned around to place the cup on the table, you spoke.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked, your voice too weak. "I... I helped you."

"I know." She said. "They just offered me more than what you did. And if I could convince the King it is my baby instead of yours, then I would have everything I ever wanted. If the baby survives, of course. If it does not, I can go to free lands and enjoy the wealth."

"I will have your head before you do that!"

She let out a chuckle. "You can't do that if you're dead. You already look close to death, I'm not sure you will survive this. And even if you do, James needs revenge for his brother. You will not survive the night, that's for sure."She settled between your legs again. "Now push."

"I can't." You said, already feeling drained. Your body refused to do what she told you and you were close to fainting. "I can't, please don't make me. It's not the time yet."

"You have to push or he will kill you both. Don't your want your baby to survive?"

You cried out as you started to forcefully push, feeling water gush out of you, making you shake your head. "No, no... "

Her harsh hold on you and the pain you felt was enough to make you scream, which made her stuff the cloth back into your mouth. Sweat broke out on your forehead as you tried to push. The baby had to survive this, that was the only thing on your mind.

The curses you let out were muffled by the cloth and you felt your baby move inside you. Your gaze snapped to one of the ropes slipping from your hand and you could've almost laughed, if you weren't in too much pain.

The doors opened and James walked in. "How is it going?" He asked Alice, approaching the bed. "It smells like death in here. They figured out she's gone, they're searching for her. Luckily, they don't know she's in the castle."

"Nothing is happening yet." She said, calm, despite the situation at the hand. "Is she even pushing?"

His gaze fell on you and he approached you, wrapping his hand around your throat and starting to choke you. Your air was cut off as he got into your face. "Listen to me, you whore, it would be in your best interest if you birth this baby-"

Your eyes found the blade he still held in his belt and what happened next was too quick. Your hand slipped from the ropes and you snatched the blade, stabbing it in his neck and slicing it across the skin, cutting it open. His hold on you disappeared and his blood fell on your face, neck and hair, soaking you in it. He fell on the bed, right next to you and you looked to Alice, whose eyes were wide and she raised herself from the bed, her hands soaked with your blood. You spat the cloth out and cut through the other rope, now focusing on Alice.

The adrenaline rushing through your blood replaced all fear and pain. The only thing you could think of was getting yourself and your baby out of this place alive. She stared at you in fear as you quickly got up from the bed and grabbed her by her hair before she could run away. You slammed her face against the wall before throwing her on the same bed. She gasped, not expecting that amount of strength from you considering your state.

"It is time you feel what I felt." You said as you sank the blade into her stomach, enjoying the fear in her eyes, before pulling it out and repeatedly stabbing her with it. You didn't know how many times you did it, but once her blood pooled on the bed, joining yours and James', you stopped and pulled the blade out of her dead body. Remembering there was a guard helping them, you moved towards the door in an attempt to run away, the sudden pain in your lower stomach making you walk slower than usual.

"Fuck." You let out a curse as you felt the baby shift in your body again. The door opened and you slowly walked out, leaving a trail of blood behind yourself. You leaned against the wall for a moment, the pain returning to your body after the adrenaline disappeared. Your eyes squeezed shut, but you knew you had to keep walking.

You had no idea how much time passed before you heard someone's footsteps and you stopped, sliding against the wall and down on the floor. You didn't know if it was a friend, or another person who wanted to kill you. In case it was the latter, you kept quiet until you felt the baby again and let out a cry.

"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice and you found strength to open your eyes, only to see Loki. "You're alive!" He rushed over to you to check on you, and his expression turned into a worried one. "Who did this to you?"

Your lips parted, but you could barely speak above a whisper. "The baby... I think it's coming."You whispered out.

He acted quickly, gathering you in his arms, not asking any more questions. He rushed up the stairs with you in his hold, shouting at the guards he saw to get someone to help you.

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