Part 41

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The following day, Lucy rushed into your chambers. Her hair was still messy and she was tying her dress as quick as she could. You raised an eyebrow at her. "Well?"

"I spent the night with Lord Marcus."She said in a whisper. "They plan on making the King elect the Prince's son as an heir soon."

"We must send Rose and her son away then." You said, feeding Annora a spoon of her favorite soup, holding the plate right under her chin in case she spills from the spoon.

"Do you think the King would do that?" She asked, making you bite on your tongue.

"I don't know." You replied, shaking your head. "You know him as much as I do. Maybe longer. The old Tony, the one I knew wouldn't do that. But now... He doesn't even come to visit his daughters."

She looked to the floor. "I'm sorry for bringing this up. And especially in your state. You should be resting. Let me take care of the Princess."

You waved it off. You knew she was worried because of the last miscarriage you had, only four months ago. "No, thank you. I'm alright. You can go, I'll call for you if I need something."

Only a few moments later Annora sneezed, causing the soup from her spoon and some from the plate to spill over you and her. You looked down at her, letting out a sigh while she only giggled.

"Now we both need a bath." You told her, and she raised her hands, which meant that you should pick her up. You smiled at her behaviour and picked her up.

Once you bathed her, you placed her on your bed and dried her. The night had fallen and you thought of going to sleep with the girls once you were done. Just when you were dressing Annora, the door opened and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Tony walking inside. Lily immediately got up from her spot on your bed and rushed into her father's hands, after not seeing him in, probably, days.

"Hello, my little Princess." He placed a kiss on top of her head, his gaze focused on you.

"I missed you."She mumbled out as she hugged him.

"I missed you as well."He said. "I will come to spend time with you later, but can you leave me to talk to your mother now?"

Lily listened, happily going to her chambers. You saw Natasha went after her to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself and the doors closed, leaving you and Tony alone.

"Can you look at me?" He asked. You could smell alcohol in his breath, even though you weren't facing him.

"I'm dressing my daughter, Tony. Whatever it is, it can wait until morning. I'm tired."You replied, still not turning around to face him.

"Our daughter. And no, it cannot."You closed your eyes and let out a sigh before getting up from the bed and facing Tony.

"Well? What was so urgent?"

"Tell me were you the one to send your sister and my nephew away from the court?" He asked.


"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N." He said in a warning tone, getting closer to you and you took a step backwards until your back hit the wall behind you. "Is this another one of your jealousy acts?"

"What are you talking about?"Your eyebrows furrowed. "Why would I even be jealous? Can you go, I have to-"

"You aren't going anywhere." He slammed you back against the wall."Are you truly this insecure to send Rose away only because I spoke once to her the other day? Your own sister?"

"You can't see what's happening right in front of your eyes, can you?" You asked him, realizing he knew nothing of Lord Marcus' plans.

He ignored you, wrapping a hand around your neck and squeezing it."Don't annoy me further, Y/N. You have no power here, you're simply here to give me children and nothing else. Don't pretend you have any other power and do things without my knowledge."He slammed your head against the wall, making you cry out and try to kick him off, but all you did was accidentally push a vase that was by your side. It fell and broke, which startled Annora and she started crying. Tony looked at the crying baby on the bed and released you, just as the door opened and Lily ran inside and straight towards you.

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