Part 26

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You groaned in pain when you felt a familiar ache spread through your bones. Your eyes opened and you were met with the sight of Tony placing a wet, cold cloth over your forehead. "What is happening?" You could barely mumble out the words, your body feeling weak and drained.

"You have a high temperature."Tony said."I've been trying to get it down."

"I'm cold."You said, pulling up the covers around your body, but that did nothing to help you. You were still freezing.

"You have to fight it."Tony said as he pressed his hand to your forehead, checking your temperature again.

"Water."You mumbled out and Tony immediately took a cup filled with water before he lifted your head off the pillow and helped you drink it.

"You need a cold bath."He said, taking the cloth from your forehead.

"No, I don't want to."You cried out when he tried to help you move. Every bone in your body hurt, even when you only slightly moved.

"You have to, Y/N. The temperature will only keep rising."He said before he left your side to fill the bath for you.

When he returned, you felt him pick you up in his arms before carrying you to another room before he placed you back on your feet. You sighed when you saw the full bath and went to take off your clothes.

"There is no time."He said before he pulled you towards the bath.

You had no will to fight him, so you did as he said and stepped into the bath. The cold feeling spread through your whole body quickly and you were shaking from it."Tony..." You called out to him and he appeared behind you.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving."He said.

You were in the bath until your temperature went down, then you returned to bed and Tony watched over you as you slept.

The following morning, when you woke up, he wasn't there. You looked around the chambers, trying to find the source of the noise that woke you, and you were met with the sight of one healer.

"What is happening?" You asked the man, who looked towards you.

"Nothing, Your Grace. I only took a look at your wounds."He said."It is a miracle you survived them."

"Where is my husband?" You asked once again.

"I believe he had urgent matters to discuss with the council. About the Prince's punishment."The healer said."I will leave this here for you, Your Grace. For your wounds."He put a small container, full of some type of cream, on the table before he left you.

Soon, the maids came to prepare you for the day and then, just as they left, Tony appeared.

"You're awake."He said, walking up to the bed.

"Where were you?" You asked him, not wanting to wait for even a moment.

"I had something to discuss with the council."

"Was it about Alistair?" You asked and he hesitantly nodded. "What is his punishment?"

"Death." Tony looked up at you."Beheading."

"You-" You took in a sharp breath, your heart clenching only at the thought of him dead. "You would kill your own brother?"

"It was not my decision. All the houses that once supported him, now turned against him when they were faced with the same punishment."

"You're the King! You had to approve this!"

"Enough, Y/N."He interrupted you, not wanting to discuss this any further.

"What about me?" You asked, looking up at him. He looked up from the floor and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What about you?"

"I had my part in that, as well. Won't I get the same punishment then? It is only fair."

"I see what you're doing, Y/N."Tony said."You're so in love with him that you would follow him to death?"

"No."You replied, meeting his gaze."It's not my love for him, but the hatred for you that would make me do that."

Tony bit on the inside of his cheek, trying to keep calm. He thought that he should leave you there and calm down.

"I will see you later. Rest until then."He said and left the chambers. You didn't spare him another glance, you only stared out the window as he left your chambers.

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