Part 27

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The following morning, you were feeling better. Tony wasn't there by your side the last night, but you couldn't complain about it. You didn't want to see him after what happened. A maid was clearing the dishes left from your breakfast when the door opened and Maria walked in.

Her face showed signs of exhaustion. She was even more pale than you remember and she seemed like she lost some weight. When she saw you, she smiled and approached the bed.

"Y/N, I'm glad you're feeling better."She said. Her voice was a lot more quiet and even sad. You gulped, thinking she was probably here to yell at you for what happened to Alistair.

"I would curtsy to you, but..." You gestured at your state, making Maria nod.

"Don't worry about that, my dear."

Dear? You looked at the woman in confusion as she continued to speak.

"My son doesn't know what he's doing. He became even worse when you were imprisoned. He was a good boy and now he turned into a cruel man."She sat by your side, her eyes filled with tears. You reached out for her, touching her hand."I can't believe this is happening. Since the night he imprisoned you and my son, I tried convincing him it was all a lie. I know you two would never do this."

"I'm so sorry."Your breathing was uneven and you were almost shaking.

"Then, he did this to you. And he ordered for my sweet boy to be killed."

You took a sharp breath before speaking. "The Council-"

"Yes, it was the Council's decision. But, he could have prevented it. He's the King."She said."I know they hated each other since their childhood, but I never knew it would turn into this."She wiped off a tear that escaped and your heart broke for the woman. She did not deserve to go through this, especially considering her age.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, my dear. I don't blame you for anything. It's my son's fault. And now he can barely keep the people calm. It is only a matter of time when a revolution breaks out."


She shook her head. "People don't wish to see you as the Queen."

"That's good, right? That means we can annul this marriage and I can return to my home."You asked, your heart beating faster as you realized there might be hope.

She shook her head again and took your hand."I wish I could help you, my dear. But it is impossible to do that now. I'm afraid Tony became obssessed with you. He loves you-"

"No. No, he does not love me. It's only because he realized Alistair won't stand a chance with me now. He won and Alistair lost. Again."

The door opened and Tony stood in front of them. He looked at you, then at his mother and he looked suspicious.

"Tony." She got up from the bed and wiped off her tears.

"Mother. Can you leave me with my wife?" He asked, stepping into the chambers.

"Of course."She quickly said and left, closing the doors.

You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore Tony, whose gaze was fixated on you."I see my mother came to poison you with her lies."He said and you looked at him, saying nothing."Did you two form some sort of alliance now?"

"You're becoming paranoid, husband."You said slowly and he chuckled.

"Am I?"

"I want to see Alistair."You said, your tone firm as you looked straight into his eyes.


"Why?"You asked, already expecting that answer.

"Because I said so. You will not see him and I won't discuss this with you."

"You've truly changed."You said, looking at him."Or were you only hiding this side of you? You enjoy seeing people in pain, don't you? You're even more cruel than I thought-"

"I'm the cruel one? You're married to me, but still chase after my brother!"

"You knew this even before we were married!" You raised your tone, just like he did. "Just like you told me from the beginning, you weren't going to stay faithful to me! Why would I stay faithful to you?"

"You-"He cut himself off, taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself."Did you sleep with him?"

"Why do you care?" You raised the covers and stood up from the bed, standing before him now.

Your eyes widened when he grabbed your neck all of a sudden and pinned you against the wall. "Why do I care? Why do I care?" He asked as you stared at him. He wasn't hurting you, he only kept you pinned to the wall so you couldn't escape. "Because I fell in love with you! Is that enough?"

"You're lying to me!"You said through your teeth."Why would you torture me like this if you love me?"

"You know our situation is complicated!" He said, his voice still raised. "I only ordered that because I thought that was a good decision."

"Torturing the woman you claim to love must be one of your best decisions!"

"Don't-" He slammed you against the wall once again. "Don't make me hurt you."He said through his teeth.

You gulped before looking up at him."If you truly loved me, you would let me go."


"No."You grabbed his face, and you two were so close that you could feel his breath on your face."I'm begging you, Tony. I can't stay here anymore. The only thing this place brought me is pain."

Tony looked up at you, his eyebrows furrowing. Even the marriage with him brought you pain?

"I can't stay here, please. Let me go home. Even the people don't think I am a good Queen. They talked about your mistress and how I can't give you a child, and now they talk about how I betrayed you. I- I shouldn't be a Queen. You can find someone better."

He shook his head and looked at you again."Do you truly wish to go?"


"Then you can go."Tony said."But you might want to stay until tomorrow. Alistair was poisoned. His funeral is tomorrow."

Your heart dropped to your stomach and your hands fell to your sides as you almost slid down the wall. You watched as Tony took a step back from you, watching your reaction.

You bit on your tongue, desperately trying to keep your tears in."Your mother was right about you."You only whispered before turning away from him.

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