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(Not putting Wanda yet, but we might come back to this with her later)

Preference 7

Steve: Steve has always been and always will be and gentlemen. Hugs with him are special. They are sweet and passionate, always holding emotion and sanctity.

Bruce: Hugs are what keep him held together. Just that subtle reminded why he has to be in control at all times. The realness of you being in his arms keeps him focused and determined.

Tony: Tony has a thing about hugging from behind. Always. No matter what the situation. If there is a hug to be had, then it will be from behind. No excptions!

Clint: Clint's more of a cuddling man. He'll spend hours cuddling with you laying down in bed or on the couch. But he doesn't really go for a hug standing up. But on some not so nice days, you get one out of him.

Thor: In comparison to you... Or really anyone for that matter... Thor is a gigantic man. But despite his huge mass, he still loved to hug you. Understanding that he is much bigger and stronger than you, he is gentle. But does like to hear your giggle when you picks you up about a foot off the ground to spin you around in the air.

Loki: Much to your disappointment, Loki was not a fan of hugging. He just wouldn't do it. He'd allow you to lean on him, and he'd put his arm around you but nothing more. Ever.

Bucky: When you and Bucky first began seeing each other he was afraid to touch you. For fear of breaking you. But you would not have it. Often taking the initiative to hold his left hand, or stand on tippy toes peck his cheek. As he warmed up to your affectionate contact, and your fearlessness from him. He took pleasure in wrapping his arms around your hips and just standing there. Holding you close. Breathing in the scent of your hair and light perfume.

Natasha: In front of others you and Natasha aren't that intimate. It's not that you're ashamed or afraid of what others will think. It's that Natasha is afraid of what they will do. So hugs in public simply aren't done. But at home, away from judging eyes and gossiping lips. She loves nothing more than to hold you close.

Pietro: When he's not running about like a mad man he likes to hug you. Hold you in his arms. To reassure himself that he's here. And you're here. He says the warmth of your smaller body makes him feel grounded and complete.

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