One Shot: Unhappy Homecoming- Bucky

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Snow drifts quietly through the day in the city of New York. The snow is quite but New York is not. After it is the city that never sleeps.

That's not how you feel right now. You want your head to stop pounding, and your body to stop shivering. You have the heat up in the apartment as far as you will allow yourself, heating is expensive after all.

You've been sick for two days already with this awful flu. And you have no one around to help you take care of yourself. Bucky is out on a mission with Steve. He won't be back for a while. So it's up to you to nurse yourself back to health.

Today you decided you needed a change in scenery, so you took all of the blankets off of the bed including the comforter and made a big pile on the couch in the living room.

Time to marathon FRIENDS for the millionth time.

You periodically fell asleep, and woke up during your time camped out on the couch. Luckily Netflix has that automatic "next episode" feature.

You fell asleep for the night around 8:30, and snored your head off for a good hour until you shifted in your sleep and finally stopped.

At around 3 am, Bucky arrived home. Much earlier than originally expected. He was excited to jump into bed and cuddle with his sweetie.

But when he opened the door to the apartment, he could hear the TV going. Why were you up so late?

He came into the living room and shut off the tv. He was about to scoop you up and take you to bed when he realized you basically brought the whole bed with you.

He took a closer look at you, and a wave of worry washed over him. Your face was whiter than the snow falling, your hair dirty and looking frazzled. Dark and puffy bags hung under your closed eyes. And your lips practically blue with cold.

"(Y/n)," he shook your shoulder. "(Y/n)" urgency creeping into his voice. He shook a little harder.

Your eyes opened, and you could barely make out a tall figure trying to rouse you.

"Leave me alone to die," you moaned shutting your eyes

"Baby, are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asked gently. Relieved you weren't actually dead or injured. Just very very sick.

"I need a new immune system," you complained.

He gave a light chucked and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You were too sick and tired to really feel anything, but you were thankful that he was home safe. And you now had someone to help you get better.

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