One Shot: Impressionable -Bruce

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(Continuation of the last chapter/One shot: Thin Ice Makes For Tough Skating)

One Shot 15

After a few months of being "unofficial", there came a day when the two of you were on a date and you ran into someone you knew. Upon introducing them to Bruce, you told them this is my boyfriend. And that's what started it. It was real, official, and awesome.
It's been a few months since that date. And things have really been great. You balance each other out nicely, and compliment one another in just the right way. Although your sister still doesn't like him because he's still a nerd. Secretly you think she's just happy for you, but is too much of a bitchy older sister to show it.
Today is a special day, Bruce asked you to come visit the tower. You didn't really think much of it, aside from "Cool! I get to see the Stark Tower up close!"
You didn't realize you were going to be meeting every member of the Avengers all in one shot.
It happened very quickly, one moment you were standing in the elevator. Your arm looped casually through his, idly chatting about him coming over to your apartment next Saturday to help put up a new mirror in your room. When the elevator doors opened, the Avengers in full glory were lined up like an army. Waiting.
Of course they were all wearing their civvies, so that made ever so slightly less intimidating.
Bruce let out a sigh of annoyance.
"You guys back off a bit, I want her to stay. Not run away screaming,"
I patted his arm.
"No no, it's okay. They love you. They want to make sure I'm not some skeeze that's gonna break your heart and leave," you said to Bruce, but looked out at the group.
"You got that right sister," said a blonde man in a grey hoodie.
"Let's do this the nice way, Hi my name is (y/n). I'm a (profession), and like pizza and puppies,"
"She's sarcastic, she has my approval," said a man with dark hair and a smirk. I can safely assume that is the famous Tony Stark. Though I'm not 100% sure, I think the blonde guy from before is the archer I saw in the battle of New York. Hawkeye I believe.
A different blonde man stepped forward, taller more muscular.
"Steve Rogers," he introduced himself. "I like swing music, and Italian food,"
I cracked a smile, and shook his hand. Slowly all the team members stepped forward to shake my hand and introduce themselves.
I spent the afternoon getting to know them, and telling some of my own stories. I think they liked me, or at least I hope they did.
At the very least, Bruce didn't freak out or anything. In fact he seemed kind of relieved.
I think he was expecting them to hate me and be rude to me. Or was expecting me to not like them. But it actually went pretty well. And I'm pretty glad about that too.

AN: Requested By @WhitneyBrock9

Also, in case you didn't know. Civvies means civilian clothing.

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