One Shot: Live Life - Bruce

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AN: Hello Friends!! I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a bit. I'm sorry!

Requested by @bellawalls15

One Shot 42

A lot of people tell you that dating a soldier, politician, business man, or scientist means compromising all time for going out and doing things.

But you refuse to let that be so.

You walk right into Bruce and Tony's lab will say things like,
"Hello dear! We are going to a party tonight, and I would love for you to wear that new tie,"


"Babe, I feel fat today. Let's go to the beach this weekend so I can wear the black bikini and feel fierce,"

Or his favorite

"It's too stuffy cooped up indoors like this. Let's go on an adventure! Breathe fresh air and run wild in the.... Wherever adventurers go!"

Usually he would put down whatever he was doing and go. Just because it made you happy. But sometimes he was reluctant to go to parties, and theme parks. But he was a trooper and did it anyway.

There was a phrase he had to perfectly describe you.

"(Y/n) lives life like it won't be there tomorrow,"

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