One Shot: Real Love -Clint

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One Shot 10

A lot of your friends, and some of Clint's, say that your love isn't real. It's barely alive. But they don't get it.

The love you and Clint have, no it's not traditional or perfect at all. But it's pure, loyal and fulfilling.
Relationships are tough for secret agents. Working odd hours is an understatement, having a target on your head is unnerving, trust is hard to come by. But you and Clint, you make it work.

Many times you get home late from working in the SHIELD hospital. Sometimes he's there and sometimes he's not. Most of the time he gives you a heads up about very long missions and trips, but other times he's just gone. A last minute catastrophe. One more bomb to defuse. One last life to save. One last something.

Sometimes he comes home, and you aren't there. Still at the hospital usually. Either working nonstop, or asleep in one of the break rooms.

But not always.

Sometimes, he comes home, and you are there. Fallen asleep on the couch, or fully clothed on the bed. Too exhausted to even climb under the covers.

On those nights, he drops everything. The phone is turned off, the door is locked tight. He scoops you up and gets you ready for bed. Stripping you down to panties and an undershirt. Making sure you're all tucked in before coming under the covers to snuggle.

Sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll unlock the apartment door and hear the shower running. Those are special days. When you get to drop everything, and come into the bathroom with a grin on your lips.

"Is somebody here?" You always call out.

"Only somebody who loves you," he'd always answer, as an implied invitation to join him.

Yes those are good days. When you both know the love is real. But it's even more than that.

Sure you go on dates when you can. Fall off the grid every now and then for a romantic vacation. But that's so normal.

The real love is in the little things you do for each other. The stuff so small, you don't even realize they've done it for you.

Clint always makes sure to have any and all blood, that isn't his, wiped off before coming home. He knows you see enough blood at work, and gets that it's probably not something you want to bring home.

You make sure the apartment is always stocked with some of his favorite things. His favorite kind of coffee there's always a spare bag in the decorative cookie car. His pillows on the bed, there's always two. Stacked in the order he likes.

When he has to leave in the middle of the night, or very early in the morning, he never fails to kiss your head and tell you he loves you. Even if you're not awake.

You always leave fun shaped sticky notes for him to find if you're not home when he is. "I love you" "Try not to miss me too much" "Don't want the new episode of Game of Thrones without me" "Hi"

So you see? Clint and your relationship isn't perfect. Not by a long shot. But it makes you both happy. At its core, it's nothing but love and commitment.

AN: Hey guys! It's that time again! That time when you send me requests!!
Also I hoped you liked this little Drabble. One shot. Thing. I thought it was pretty cute.

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