You Die

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WARNING, this will contain TRIGGERS
•graphic scenes
•extreme sads/feels
And it's gonna be really long.

Preference 27

Steve: You aren't even a field agent. How could this have happened? Why you? Of all people why you?
It was just a normal day, albeit a quiet one at the Stark tower.
"(Y/n) I'm going out to lunch with Pepper, I'll be back in a few hours," Tony called from his office.
"Ooh! Where are to taking her?" You shouted back.
He walked through the door, wearing a nice suit instead of the track pants and t shirt he had been wearing earlier.
"That nice place Bruce took us for his birthday last year, what was it called?"
You straightened his tie,
"Well give her a hug for me, have a nice time, and please don't forget to get me those signed papers when you get back,"
"Yes ma'am," he joked as he made his way to the elevator.
The day continued as usual, but around 1:30 you started feeling uneasy. It was really quiet in the building today. Too quiet.
Suddenly the floor beneath you began to vibrate, and then a the sound of an explosion caught you off guard. You were stuck in a world of confusion and fire, as the building exploded from the inside, sending it falling to the ground.
The sound could be heard 20 blocks from the tower in any direction.
A phone call came in for Tony,
"M-mr. Stark. The tower, it-it's just gone,"
Tony and Pepper got up and ran the 3 blocks back to the tower. Panic set in for Tony, he pulled out his phone as the air began to grow thick with the smoke from the smoldering remains of the building.
"JARVIS, get me one of the suits,"
"I'll do my best sir,"
All the suits were trapped in the building, buried in the rubble.
Pepper placed a hand on Tony's shoulder, he turned to see her with a cloth pressed over her nose and mouth.
"Call Steve," she said.
The ambulances and fire trucks began arriving. Tony nodded and walked a away from the building
"Hey Tony," Steve answered his phone casually.
"Hey man, where are you?"
"I drove down to Jersey this morning, dropping off a vintage painting with (y/n)'s sister. Why what's going on?"
"The tower. I don't know how, but it's just gone... Gone,"
"What do you mean gone? Like disappeared? How the actual hell do you misplace a building?"
"No I mean it blew up. It's leveled. You need to come back to New York. Now."
The sound of Steve's car pulling over was audible through the phone. "It blew up?"
"Y-yeah. Just get here."
"Was (y/n) in there?"
"I don't know,"
The call ended.
By the end of the day, all the survivors were found and all the victims in body bags. 34 wounded. 16 dead. You were not among the survivors.
Steve actually threw up when they identified your body.
Badly burned from the waist down, very dirty from the debris and blood caked.
Steve was angry beyond belief, but not at Tony. It was discovered a suicide bomber had planned this months in advance. Set charges in the building, that were set off when he blew himself up in the main lobby.
The months that followed were hard for everyone. Steve dealt with his grief, Tony bore the guilt, his business suffered. And the nation wept for all the people who died.

Tony: You and Tony had gone out for the day, knowing full well the press would be taking pictures for the tabloids. You wore a nice dress, a big pretty hat, sun glasses Tony had gotten for you as a gift for your last birthday, and a big smile!
The day was going great, but you didn't realize you someone tailing you.
The minute Tony left you, just for a minute to go get you a fresh drink from the bar, the tail jumped at the opportunity to pull you up out of your seat and press a knife to your base of your chin.
"Mister Stark!" The tail yelled into the quiet bar. Tony turned around, and felt the panic set in.
"Wow, hold up there tough guy. What's going on?"
Just like Tony, smooth talk his way out of something. You tried very hard to remain calm, but could not help the tears streaming from your eyes.
"Honey, did you upset the man?" Tony joked, trying to ease you. You shook your head the tiniest amount.
"Hail Hydra," the man smirked, before jerking the knife up into your throat and pulling hard to the right. Tossing you aside like a rag doll.
Tony felt a stab of pain in his chest, yet no one had struck him. He had not felt this kind of pain since his dead friend, Jarvis had died many years ago.

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