CIVIL WAR One Shot: Business Trip - Clint

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Request for: lotrfan91

Context Please Read: Unfortunately if you are on team cap you might not like this one. Because you will be playing for Team Tony. I'm sorry!

AN: I am only going to say this one more time, please please please don't roll play in the comments. Even if it's short or you think it's funny. I will be deleting those comments. I'm really sorry, I'm not usually this touchy about things but this is really bothering me a lot.

One Shot 28

Retirement is amazing, you have all the time in the world to do whatever you damn well please. Clint and I have been spending our time remodeling our farm house, and suiting the property to our liking. We may even get horses next month!

This morning I woke up to a phone call from my friend Natasha. Clint was still sound asleep, so I got up and took the call down stairs.

"Nat? It's 4 in the morning, what could possibly be important enough to call me now?" I sat down in what will be our living room, someday.

"I'm sorry (y/n) but this is important," she said "I need you to come in,"

"Nat, I-" you started

"(Y/n), Steve has gone awol. He's completely irrational, we need your help," she said.

I sighed heavily, and rested my head back against the wall. "I really don't want to leave. I'm so happy here Nat.... But, I've got a feeling this is for the good of the world and all that. So send over a QJ and I'll help out," you relented.

"Thank you (y/n)," she said "The QJ is taking off now, I'll see you tonight,"

We hung up, and I crawled back into bed. I spent the next day, covertly tossing some thing I would need into a duffel.

Lucky for me Clint got a phone call around 2, which gave me time to run about the house like a mad woman to grab more obvious things I would need. I zipped up my bag and slid it under the bed for later just as he came back into the house.

Our days went about normally, until I got a text from the QJ, it was hovering out of sight and earshot from the house. Now I would have to figure out how to get out of the house without telling my dearly beloved.

After dinner Clint kissed my head and told me he wasn't feeling good, and that he was going to sleep in the spare bedroom.

Now I felt a little bad for leaving... But I had to, so I wrote a quick note and taped it to the refrigerator.

I got called in for a business trip, didn't want you to worry. Love you loads
And with that I left.

I slept on the plane, knowing that I would have to be at full strength when I landed. Tony and Nat greeted me on the Tarmac.

Nat told me that about what had happened in the last few days, and if I'm perfectly honest, I was down right worried about Steve.

Tony told us that Steve and his little group were at an airport in Berlin, and that we could intercept them there.

When we got there, things didn't go down quite like we wanted them to.

I watched from a concealed hiding place, until an arrow came flying into view to cut the spider webs holding Steve's hands.

I sprang from my hiding place, and joined Nat, Tony, and Colonel Rhodes.

My archer, stepped out into to daylight and looked at me with an amused expression.

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