One Shot: Tequilla - Pietro

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In Sokovia the legal drinking age is, when you figure out alcohol makes you forget how poor and cold you are.
But in The United States it is 21.

So when Pietro and Wanda Maximoff joined the Avengers, and immigrated to America they had a bit of a culture shock. At the age of 20, they were not allowed to drink.

And they couldn't even drink in the tower, because Steve would not permit underage drinking on his team.

"We are here to uphold the law and keep people safe. So that means we have to follow the law too," he would say.

This basically meant three people on the team couldn't go to Tony's parties. Pietro, Wanda, and you.

"I vanted to try something other than Russian vodka and bath tub wine," Pietro lamented one night.

"Yes. I vant to try beer," Wanda added, watching the party goers drink and laugh and dance. Parties like this aren't fun unless you're drinking too.

The three of you left the party, and decided to go hang out in the media room on one of the higher floors.

That was 6 months ago. Pietro and Wanda turned 21, and have been happily attending Tony's parties with the rest of the team. Leaving you to your own devices.

On one particular party night you stole one of the pizza boxes from the buffet table before the party started and took it to your quarters.

You watched some mindless tv, ate the entire pizza, painted your toe nails, and fell asleep on the bean bag chair at the foot of your bed.

Somewhere around the 3am mark your phone started ringing furiously. Jerking you out of your peaceful slumber.

Your sleep lagged muscle movements were jerky, and spastic trying to answer the call.

"He-hello?" Your voice cracked with sleep.

"(Y/n)!" The person on the other end screamed. You pulled the phone away from your face, surprised at the noise.

Clearing your throat, you said, "Wh-who, *hephem* who is this?"

"It's me! Pietro! Your bestest friend," he answered.

"It is 3 o'clock in the god damn morning. What the hell could you possibly want?" You shouted, suddenly angry about being yanked from sleep.

"(Y/n)!" He whined. "I'm hungry. Come get the Taco Bell. Or something
vith me!"

"No! It's the middle of the night. I want to sleep," you said.

"But I vant chicken nuggets!" He said.

There was a long pause

"And I do not know how to drive," he said.

"God damn it!" You muttered. "What did you drink Pete?"

"TAQUILLA!" He shouted.

"Lord Jesus...." you shook your head.

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