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Preference 15

Steve: When you said yes to marrying him he was overjoyed, and wanted everything to be perfect for your special day. He went out of his way to make sure everything was the way you wanted it to be, which was not difficult as you didn't want it to be I over the top.

Bruce: It took a long time before Bruce got the nerve to ask you to marry him. By that point you already lived together and practically acted like a married couple. So when he asked, you just said sure, that would be great and kissed his cheek. The wedding was small. Just you, him, your mum and dad, Steve, Clint, and your best friend Natasha.

Tony: Being the flamboyant rich man he is, the wedding had to just as extravagant. Being famous meant that it was going to be all over the media anyway so go big or go home right!


Thor: When someone uses the expression 'fit for a King/Queen' they're usually exaggerating to some extent. But not in this case. Asgardian weddings are magnificent and last for days. Especially royal weddings, they're even bigger and last longer. And your wedding to Thor was no exception.

Loki: He wanted to give you everything you deserved. A palace, a throne, a royal Asgardian wedding, a reception that would go down in the history books... But he could no longer give you those things. It hurt him greatly that he couldn't give you these things, but found comfort in the fact that you were happy with the small wedding you did have on Midgard.

Bucky: If getting comfortable enough to live with you and touch you was difficult you would think that getting him to marry you would be even more of a challenge. But it wasn't. He talked to Steve about all of his concerns but Steve just said, 'being married doesn't change anything in your relationship with her. Now she'll just wear a ring on her left hand and she'll be called Mrs. Barnes.' And after mulling it over for about a day Bucky agreed that Steve was right and went to get a ring. You were initially shocked, and shock frightened Bucky into doubt but before he could take it back and apologize you had already said yes and begun peppering him with kisses. The wedding followed a few months later, very traditional and small.

Natasha: When the announcement from the Supreme Court finally came that gay marriage was legal in every state you didn't know about it because you were working. But Natasha works at SHIELD and they know everything. So she went as fast as she could to a Jewelers to get you a beautiful ring before all the other flocking gay couples went to get their own rings to be married. She came home and started shouting your name. You came bouncing down the stairs to give her a big hug. She asked if you had heard the good news, you looked at her confused and said no. She got down on one knee and said, "Princess Bubbles there is no law in these United States prohibiting me from asking you to be my wife forever and ever". Tears sprung to your eyes as you watched her pull out the ring. Yes yes yes a million times yes! No that it was legal you had no fear and threw a big wedding! Matching dresses, with white top hats! All of the avengers were there and some of your friends too. It was just perfect.

Pietro: He felt a little bad for asking you to marry him in such a stereotypical way... Taking you to dinner then on a walk and asking you in the park... But he made up for it at the wedding with a little help from Tony. The wedding was held in the evening, and Tony got all of Central Park cleared for the the wedding. Of course it almost seemed like it was still public because so many people were attending the wedding! But it was still beautiful none the less. The whole park lit up with fairy lights in lanterns a white arch temporarily put up and decorated with beautiful flowers. The pictures were world famous in less than an hour via social media. It was absolutely perfect.

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