One Shot: Not Broken Just Bent- Tony

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Requested by supermiss98

One Shot 44

Rhodey told you a package was delivered for Tony today. He was telling you that the elderly mail man mispronounced Stark as Stank. You couldn't help but laugh a little; he will never let this go.

But you couldn't stop thinking about the package. Tony doesn't usually order things like that, it's not really his style to wait for something to come in the mail.

You figured that you could just ask him and he'd tell you, but something about this nagged at you. He didn't want you to know about the package. Or else he would have said something.

That evening, you went into his office and sat in his chair. The box was sitting on the desk. It was already opened, you would not be the first to see its contents.

Inside the box was a letter, from your very good friend Steve Rogers. But given how the last few days turned out, you could see no possible reason for Steve to be giving any gifts to Tony.

In the box was an old flip phone. Only Steve would give a flip phone to Tony Stark.

Quickly you read the letter. And it dawned on you. This was your chance to make sure Steve was okay. Because as of right now, you only know by word of mouth that he isn't dead.

With trembling hands you opened the phone and called the first number on speed dial. It rang for a long moment.

"Tony," came the familiar voice of my friend.

"Oh Steve it's good to hear your voice again," you said, with relief flooding your heart.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) is that you?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes, I uh, used the phone you sent," you explained quietly.

"How is he (y/n)?" Steve asked suddenly. You grew quiet.

"He could be worse," you admitted. "I mean he did just lose one of his best friends,"

"Honestly (y/n) I don't think he considered me one of his best friends. Even before everything that happened, I got the feeling I rubbed him the wrong way," Steve admitted.

"I don't know whether that's true or not Steve, but if you ask me... He's just not himself. I think he misses you and Sam.... And Wanda. And poor Clint. You know I'm gonna have to tell Laura tomorrow right?"

"You may want to hold off on that (y/n)," he said meekly.


Steve didn't answer.

"Steve, where are you," suspicion growing in your chest.

"Steven Grant Rogers, you tell me where you are this instant," you demanded.

"Somewhere over the pacific, heading toward the RAFT," he finally admitted.

You leaned back in the chair and covered your eyes. "Steve! You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"No I won't. And it's not like I have a choice (y/n) I can't just leave them there,"

You knew he was right.

"(Y/n) I need you to do something for me," Steve asked.

"Sure Steve, what is it?"

"If Tony's really not himself like you say he is. And even if he's not. Will you please take care of him for me?" He asked "He's just lost a lot. Things are changing. Be his rock. Stand by him. Take care of him. And if you can, help him understand why I did what I had to,"

"Okay Steve, I'll do that for you," you had a few tears in your eyes.

"Thank you (y/n),"

"Will we see you again Steve?"

"I hope so (y/n). I hope one day Tony and I will be able to make our peace and be friends again," he replied.

"I hope so too,"'

At that moment you heard a beeping sound from his end of the line.

"I have to go now (y/n). I'll see you soon," he said.

"Goodbye Steve," you answered, before hanging up.

You sat for a moment, looking out the window over the grounds.

In another room of the compound, Tony sat with his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees.

He had FRIDAY tap into the phone conversation just at the part where you mentioned him losing a friend.

Tony didn't even realize how distraught he was. How awful it would be if he didn't have you here to, at the very least keep him company.

All of these thoughts overwhelmed him, and suddenly he felt like he couldn't be alone in that moment. He needed to hold you close, and feel something real.

He ran blindly out of the room and collided with you in the hall way.

"Hi honey," you said as if the phone call had never happened.

"Hey," he said, before engulfing you in a hug. You didn't say anything back, instead you wrapped your arms about him and clung on.

He knew he would be okay. That some day he would see his friend again, and they would forgive each other. He knew that you were going to stay with him, and make sure that he didn't make any more disastrous decisions. And with that knowledge he felt completely safe.

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