Your Song

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Preference 8

Steve: Without question your couples song with Steve is All of Me, by John Legend. It came as a bit of a surprise to you that he actually enjoyed singing, particularly with you.

Bruce: Bruce does not sing, but you do. You sing for him what he calls you song, although you didn't write it. It's Sweater Weather, by the Neighborhood

Tony: Depending on who you ask, the song is different. According to Tony, it's AC DC's Thunderstruck. But when someone asks you, your reply is Lights by Ellie Goulding.

Clint: Clint plays the guitar, your song is actually a song your favorite actor wrote. Clint learned to play it just for you, so you could sing with it with him. The song is Angeles, written by Steve Carlson and Jensen Ackles.

Thor: Thor has to be away from you for long periods of time. Your song is I Won't Give Up, by Jason Mraz. Your relationship isn't perfect, at times can be difficult. Bull all the same it is love and it's yours. You make it work.

Loki: Loki is an immortal, one who will live forever even when you are gone. Your song is Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Ray. And although it breaks his heart when he hears you sing it, it warms his heart that your voice is that beautiful. And it only rings for him.

Bucky: He still believes that he is dangerous and not good for you, but you still love him all the same and won't let him act on these negative thoughts. Your song is I know I'm a Wolf, by Young Heretics. It describes the dangerous wolf backing down to protect the small rabbit. The wolf being him, and you the rabbit.

Natasha: When you are alone in the house, your song is Once Upon A December, from the children's movie Anastasia. It's sweet and quiet and you can both dance to it.

Pietro: He didn't know any American music until he met you. But he had any number of songs from Sokovia that he said reminded him of you. He sings them for you, and you try to remember the words and sing them with him. But you did have an American song or two that you chose to be your songs.

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