Clint Wedding

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AN: Holy crap! I forgot to add in Clint to the wedding chapter! So to make up for my little brain fart, you get a full imagine for Clint's Wedding. This is gonna follow the preference personality I've already created for (y/n). Kay!? Enjoy!

Preference/One Shot 15B

"Have you asked her yet?" Steve whispered to Clint, who was sat next to him on the jet.

"Not yet, I really want to but I honestly don't know if she's ready," Clint admitted. "I'm ready. I love her with everything I have, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. But I don't know if she's ready for that kind of commitment..."

Clint knew he couldn't talk these feelings out with anyone but Steve. Steve wouldn't laugh at him and call him soft or weak.

"I don't know Clint, she seems pretty ready to me. The two of you are a perfect match, and she really loves you,"

"I sure hope so man... I'm planning to pop the question when I see her tonight,"

Just then Clint's went off, it was (y/n). Steve gave him a wry smile and motioned for him to answer the call.

"Hello," Clint picked up the phone.

"Hi honey," came her voice. Clint took a moment to enjoy the sweet sound

"What's up?"

"Listen, I can't come pick you up from the mission tonight..."

"You can't, why not? Is everything okay?"

"Oh don't worry I'm alright, but a woman just got here in labor... She's having triplets and only speaks Russian..." She laughed,

"Well then it's a good thing I taught you Russian, huh,"

"Yeah, thank you again!" She giggled.

"Do you know around, what time you're gonna be home?"

"Unfortunately I don't. My shift is supposed to end in two hours, but I have a feeling this birth is going to take awhile. If you'd like, you can come get the car from the hospital. I don't know if I'll be awake enough to drive home afterward,"

Clint frowned, and inwardly felt disappointed. But he took a breath and smiled.

"Alright sweetheart, you save the world one patient at a time,"

"You and I both know you're the real hero,"

"Mm, I disagree. But the lady is always right,"

"Of course I am," she giggled.

"Okay hoeny, I'm gonna let ya go. I'll see you, when I see you,"

"I'm really excited to see you Clint, I wish I could be home tonight,"

"I do too baby, but it's okay. I can wait one more day,"

On the other side (y/n) smiled sadly, "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

And they hung up.

Steve looked at his friend. "Everything okay?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. She just can't pick me up from HQ tonight. Some Russian lady is having triplets, and they need her to talk to the woman during the delivery," Clint explained.

"No one else in that hospital speaks Russian?"

"Not beyond hello, and help,"

Steve laughed,

"At least it's a good reason,"

"Yeah, I don't mind that she's gotta stay late sometimes. We both pull weird work hours,"

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