One Shot: Chicken Soup for the Sick- Clint

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Requested by: @theevilqueen-mill

One Shot 43

"I'm not sick" you insisted. Trying to fight your way past your boyfriend, who was standing in your way of getting ready for work.

"Yes. You are, now please go lay down," he said, taking your arms and turning you back to the bedroom.

"I'm fine-d" you insisted.

"Find?" He laughed "adding a "d" to the end of easy words isn't helping your case,"

"Clint," you whined "I hab to go to work,"

"No. You're not going to be able to work sufficiently, you're going to expose yourself to more germs, and you're going to get all of your coworkers sick. You. Are. Not. Going. To. Work." He said firmly.


"No buts, go back to bed and lay down. I'm going to go get some DayQuil or something from the drug store,"

You gave up and went back into the bedroom, flopping onto the bed in defeat. You had planned to leave as soon as Clint had left, but once you were back on the bed... It was just too comfortable to move. And you fell back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Clint was down at the store getting various cold medicines and the fixings to make you soup.

Clint Barton is not a good cook. And will not admit it. He was hells bound and determined to make you soup today, soup that you would like.

Unfortunately, when he got home and made said soup. He put in way too much salt. And over cooked the noodles.... But you still ate it, mostly because it overwhelming amount of salt cut through the taste of "sickness" in your mouth.

After eating the disaster of a soup, Clint made you go back to bed and lay down. He rubbed your feet, and let you pick what to watch on Netflix.

Over the next few days, Clint was very good about making you take your medicine. But shitty at everything else.

He insisted on making you "good hearty homemade food", which is code for ingredients to a dish being mutilated and pulverized until he deems it "ready"

But at least he cared enough to try. Bless his heart.

And by the end of the week you were feeling much better, until he started feeling light headed and tight chested.

"Honey I'm not sick," he insisted "Let me go out with the guys"

"No. Go lay down. You know how Tony is about sick people. And don't even get me started about Steve," you said steering him back towards the bedroom.

"UGH!" He groaned flopping onto the bed.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll make you soup,"

You blew him a kiss.

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