One Shot: Facing Fears -Bucky

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One Shot 34

When we are in New York we always take a taxi, never the subway.

When we visit my brother in San Francisco we Uber everywhere we go, and never take the BART train.

When we visited London, he refused to take the Metro.

My husband doesn't take trains. They're... Uncomfortable for him to say the least.

But this time we didn't have a choice. All the streets were being closed down do to flooding, we had to take the train.

I stood on his right side, gripping his arm tightly so as not to lose him in the throngs of people moving about the station. But he was holding on for another reason entirely.

The last time James Barnes road a train he was thrown from said train.

As we boarded the train his grip on my hand tightened considerably, and his breathing became shallow and rapid.

I slid my arms around his waste, holding close to him while he held onto the rail on the roof. His other arm embraced me securely. Insuring that I would not fall, and that I would be safe from all the people on the train.

The train began to move, his breath hitched uneasily. And I could feel his heartbeat against my own body.

"Baby it's alright. We're only going a few stops. Then we'll be home, okay?" I whispered.

He nodded silently, not breaking our gaze.

I pressed my cheek into his warm chest, stroking his back gently under his coat.

Finally when the train pulled into your stop, the two of us were the first people out of that station.

Back in the safety and familiarity of our apartment, we shed our rain soaked clothing and snuggled up on the couch.

"I'm so proud of you Bucky," I said.

"It's never gonna get easier," he replied darkly.

"I disagree. I think you need to ride trains every now and then. Just to make yourself more comfortable," you tried.

"No! I- " he stopped himself, realizing that he had snapped at you "I can't. I'm sorry (y/n). I can't,"

"I don't think there's a thing in the world you can't do, James," I said smoothing his hair "And it would make me very happy if you just tried every so often,"

He laughed lightly and sighed "Anything for you baby doll,"

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