CIVIL WAR One Shot: Off the Grid-Bucky

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Request for CutePuppy1303

AN: Sooooo.... The request for this was kind of strange. I feel like the request attempted to include lots of details, but it came out really confusing and vague... So, I'm gonna make something up. Cool? Cool!

One Shot 29

Steve had wondered about those "other winter soldiers". Bucky talked big game about them, and believed him of course, but what were they truly capable of? Steve was just the slightest but disappointed that he would never find out, because they were all dead.

Or so he thought

One day, a few months after Bucky had come out of his second Cryosleep, Steve got a message from someone he thought to be dead.

"Hey Buck," Steve called "come in here, you've got to see this,"

Bucky entered the room, and tossed the tea towel he was wiping his hands with behind him onto the kitchen counter.

Steve passed his phone to Bucky.

Steve, I know that you and Bucky are alive and well and I am so thankful that you are.
I know that I am the last person you would be expecting to hear from but it really is me. And I need you to come see me.
I have been working on a project you and Bucky both really need to see. Please come to this address as soon as you possibly can.
With all my love

"What do you make of it man?" Steve asked "(y/n) has got to be 100 years old now,"

"Not exactly," Bucky admitted. "She's like us,"

"Old? Or enhanced?" Steve asked, plugging the address in to the GPS on his phone.

"Both. I remember being with her more than a few times over the years," Bucky admitted.

"Was she hydra?" Steve stopped "this could be a trap,"

"No, she was a private contractor. Probably still active duty though," Bucky scratched the back of his neck.

"You mean to tell me our little (y/n), has been a contract killer for the past 70 plus years?" Steve asked bewildered.

Bucky nodded, "she's better at it than you'd expect. Even I was just a little bit afraid of her,"

A few days later, Steve and Bucky were hiking through the sugar pine forests of Northern California. They came to the address, an abandoned summer camp by the looks of it, except it wasn't abandoned.

Steve and Bucky froze. There was (y/n). Eating dinner.... With the other, dead, winter soldiers.

"(Y/n)," Steve called out in a shaky voice. The soldiers turned sharply alerted to their presence.

"Hang on guys," (y/n) said "it's Steve and Bucky," the soldiers relaxed and got up to greet the new comers.

(Y/n) stood and ran up to the men, embracing Steve first.

"shit Rogers, you used to be so much smaller," (y/n) joked before turning to Bucky.

"You haven't aged a day handsome," she said giving stubbled chin a good shake, before pressing a kiss to his lips. Bucky responded by pressing back.

Bucky broke the kiss and turned to Steve, who looked stunned "I did say I saw her more than a few times," Bucky reminded him.

"Okay, I live with that. But what's going on here (y/n). We saw these people in Siberia. They were dead and at least 2 of the chambers got destroyed with the bodies inside," Steve asked.

"Come sit with us and I'll explain everything," (y/n) said.

Bucky and Steve joined the group at the table, and were served some of the stew one of the soldiers had made, which was actually really good.

"You only thought you saw dead people in those cells," (y/n) said "what you saw was an extremely convincing fake that I orchestrated. Turned out so good it fooled that homicidal maniac Zemo,"

"How did you know Zemo would be after the winter soldiers?" Bucky asked.

"He wanted the 1991 mission report, I was there when he killed the general," she explained "I knew I had to get to Siberia before him,"

"We've been fully off the grid for almost 10 months," one of the soldiers said.

"And making progress in our recovery," said another.

"This is the summer camp I went to back in 28'. It made me so happy. I thought, there's no better place in the world to heal," (y/n) said.

"This is wonderful (y/n), you saved these people, and probably countless others," Steve said.

"We owe her our lives," said one of the soldiers.

"She's magic," said another.

"Magic?" Asked Steve.

"Kind of," (y/n) laughed "my enhancements are more mental than physical,"

"Wait, Buck said you were a contract killer," Steve pointed out.

"Something I'm not proud of. But, I use my psychic powers for good. I fix minds now, not break them," she lifted a hand producing a soft light from the palm. She blew the light out across the table, just barley grazing the old wood.

"I've invited you both here to join us if you'd like. Not permanently or anything, but for psych treatments or just to be with people as old as you are," (y/n) said.

"That's sweet of you (y/n)," Steve said

"I want to stay," Bucky said, "At least for a little while," the fingers of his left hand laced with (y/n)'s.

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